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Survival theory


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For about 2 years I have felt the next large scale attack on the Amercin (say it with me now) way of life, will be on the electronic financial system. Whether it is a virus or just some way to get the system to not function. The value of our doll hairs is already on a huge decline. Add a collapse of the way we access our money, or just how we have our money invested.


Let’s say Monday; you wake up and go to get gas in the car on the way to work. One, you should have topped off before the work week started, but that's my thinking. You go to the pump and your card doesn't work. How much cash do you have on you? Let's say you have $40 to cover the tank of gas. Now you call your bank and check on the card not working. The phones are all tied up, because everyone else is calling them too. Going to an ATM won't get you any cash, the system is down, fucked and no one has answers on how to fix it.


How much cash do you have to cover getting food or other necessities? Please no one answer this for real. I don't want someone saying they keep $XX,XXX at the house and then getting jacked for it. This thread is to get ideas and trouble shoot this scenario. Also, I know many have posted on CR pics of their weapons collection. Those that have weapons, great; let's just say we have them. Those that don't, if this makes you rethink owning weapons, great just say that.


In the first day, the shelves of the stores will be bare. The fuel points dried up in a few days. Gun shops and outdoor stores will be bought out within two days, ammo too. Resupply to stores will come as early as the next day or in the next days, but will you have cash to buy, or will people just loot and turn on each other. How are you able to provide for your loved ones and yourself? People will catch on to hijacking the Wal-Mart truck before it delivers within the first 2 weeks. News will have promises of a fix from the government, but it will drag on and on with no resolve. By the third week, we are a nation fighting and killing over the simplest things we took for granted. We haven't gone to work in weeks, because they can't pay us cash. We stay with our family to defend the home, or we are out gathering things we need. The overall risk level of even being outside is now basic survival of the fittest; you take what you want/need. Human decency is not extended if you don't know them; they are looking to take your shit, so maybe you better take them out first.


Law enforcement is now working with National Guard and active military to try and keep "law and order".


Ok, now that I've poked your brain a little, let's address some of the things that are a given. Some of you live in the Rural areas and might be set up to sustain a little longer without going into town. OK, I get it; you are going to hunt for your food.


Let's fast forward to 6 months in this crisis. Is the power on still? What's going on in the cities? What has become of how people are? Does our dollar hold any value, or does it even matter at this point? Where did you go to be safe? Why did you go there? Who did you take with you and why? How did you get there and what did you take with you? If you didn't have a weapon, did you get one? How would you do that and what weapon would you try to get? Are you on foot, or how are you keeping the vehicle running?


Think about it now, tomorrow is Monday. What will you do? What if you only had today to prepare?


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Ive thought about this scenario before. Ive heard people call it a WROL situation or "without rule of law", or even very loose ROL/marshall law. If you've see the movie Contagion thats a pretty accurate picture of what life could be like. Sure its a different approach than what your talking about but its mostly still the same outcome. When creating that movie the producers actually had CDC staff on set to make sure it was as real and probable as possible, no aliens, no zombies and no green screens were needed to scare the piss out of you of what 'could' happen. Completely realistic.



FEMA recommends that every American household be able to sustain itself for at least 2 weeks (up from the 3 days they recommended prior to Katrina). that means 2 weeks worth of food, water and supplies you might need in that time (maybe you take maintenance medication like heart medication or somthing like that). Keep in mind this is fucking FEMA we're talking about, when have they or the Federal Gov't ever done anything in the time frame they said they would? Regardless, there is still the 'two week rule'. Now think of it this way, how many homes in your neighborhood could handle the two week rule? what about neighbor's in your apt complex? Personally, in the situation you mention i think it would get real bad really quick.


Economic collapse would cripple the economy and society as a whole. I dont think people would know how to act and it would just spiral out of control, hell who knows if society would even return to 'normalcy'. Dont forget, people who are dependant on drugs for what ever reason (pain killers, zannies, etc...) will raid those fucking drug stores asap. hospitals would be overrun, it takes local law enforcement minutes, sometimes hours to respond to a call as is what happens when they get dozens of calls all the time. Its definitly scary to think about and def hope we never have to live through it.

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I honestly wont say if I am prepared or not prepared for anything like this because some people know were I live on this board.



Of the top of my head it honestly depends on were I am, if I am away on work I need to get home ASAP to protect my wife but if things collapse fast then that might be a large task depending on road conditions.


If I was at or near home I would pack my family up and head north to get out of the high population of Cbus ( May also syphon gas out of one of my 3 cars) and just leave my home to be looted. Angers me to say that but my families safety trumps things that can be replaced.


Once I get to my "spot" i know that terrrain and lay out very well so we will hole up there for awhile, maybe even try and find some of my extended family to keep them safe.

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anyone interested in this exact scenario I would highly recommend reading "Patriots". it's pretty much this exact scenario and is a very good read. I love books about this kind of stuff, I just wish i was even close to prepared for a scenario like this. :(



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I think it'd be a lot harder to cripple the US economy then the scenario laid out in the OP. My answer is that I don't actually need much cash. I work from home and have plenty of food in the house. All my bills are paid on credit, which means it's 30-60 days before anyone shuts off my water/gas/electricity or even thinks about starting to repossess anything. I'd just sit back and wait a few days for the banking system to fix itself and then go about my life.


If the OP assumes that the economy must collapse (say, some cartoony super-villain snaps his fingers and there's no batman to save the day), then I'm in bigger trouble. I'm perfectly content to move out to the hills and live like a redneck, but I'd be extremely reluctant to give up my lifestyle. I'd hold out as long as I could; even New Orleans at its worst recovered in a relatively short period of time. I think things would come back soon enough, and I'd hate to be living in a shack with a bunch of ammo while my house was looted, only to return 3 months later feeling like a tard.


Major urban centers can exist with basically no money circulating (see Mumbai), but it's not a pleasant way to live and in America, people would get extremely violent well before that point. I'd stick around until the violence got to be unbearable, then I'd leave the country.

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Once I get to my "spot" i know that terrrain and lay out very well so we will hole up there for awhile, maybe even try and find some of my extended family to keep them safe.


Same here. Our family has hundreds of acres of land between us and the guns and trucks and more to make it work. We have a plan and are prepared for our best efforts.

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First yes this is a very scary scenario. I question what storing large amounts of cash money will do for you if the system collapses I would think money would be worthless. I think in this situation that precious metals, food, clean water, some form of security and most importantly whatever skills you posses that would be helpful in this situation ( ie someone with good mechanical skills teaming up with someone who is a good farmer or someone with some solid security skills) would be the most important thing. I live in a small town and am hoping that aside from a few altercations that are bound to happen that the town can kind of band together and use our collective skill setts to get through this. My big hope is that even if we loose electric long term we can survive using steam power to do work since it's harder to create gas or diesel than it would be to revert back to steampower.
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Realistically, I'd get the hell out of Texas. The fact that we've had drought conditions that may last for a few years isn't a good situation. Seclusion isn't always the best bet, but for a small period of time that would be best. The initial shock and panic alone would probably be the tough part. Not knowing what the other millions of people had on their agenda would be the first threat. Strength in numbers would be an ideal situation, so it makes you dig deep as to who you could really trust. I'm glad I've got a little experience in the woods, along with hunting and what not. The tough part would be getting back to those primal instincts and sharpening those skills.


I'll be honest to say I'm not 100% prepared, and I don't think most Americans are. A running joke of preparing for zombies, corollates to any SHTF scenario. I'm hoping to be 100% with in the next few months.

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Pretty good movie. A little slow in some parts, but great story of struggle.



Have seen this book out there, just not read it. needs to be a movie.


I think it'd be a lot harder to cripple the US economy then the scenario laid out in the OP. My answer is that I don't actually need much cash. I work from home and have plenty of food in the house. All my bills are paid on credit, which means it's 30-60 days before anyone shuts off my water/gas/electricity or even thinks about starting to repossess anything. I'd just sit back and wait a few days for the banking system to fix itself and then go about my life.


If the OP assumes that the economy must collapse (say, some cartoony super-villain snaps his fingers and there's no batman to save the day), then I'm in bigger trouble. I'm perfectly content to move out to the hills and live like a redneck, but I'd be extremely reluctant to give up my lifestyle. I'd hold out as long as I could; even New Orleans at its worst recovered in a relatively short period of time. I think things would come back soon enough, and I'd hate to be living in a shack with a bunch of ammo while my house was looted, only to return 3 months later feeling like a tard.


Major urban centers can exist with basically no money circulating (see Mumbai), but it's not a pleasant way to live and in America, people would get extremely violent well before that point. I'd stick around until the violence got to be unbearable, then I'd leave the country.


Interesting outlook you have for the greater man kind. I hope it works this way, however I'm inclined to think int he time you waited, your house would be looted with you in it and you would be killed yelling at someone to leave you alone.

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Interesting outlook you have for the greater man kind. I hope it works this way, however I'm inclined to think int he time you waited, your house would be looted with you in it and you would be killed yelling at someone to leave you alone.


Just like all those 10s of thousands folks who got killed in their own homes during the LA riots when looting was going on? Or in New Orleans?


If we actually get to a SHTF post-apocalyptic wasteland, I'm going to have to drastically shift my outlook in order to survive, but I don't think it's particularly likely that we'll ever get to that point. I think the worst we'd have to put up with in the case of an attack on the banking system is a country-wide Katrina, which didn't exactly necessitate Chuck Norris levels of badassery in order to survive.

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I live out in the country with well and city water... But with no electricity, that well pump would do zero good... Yes I have ammo and weapons but let's be honest, my entire house is run on electricity and no way to cook anything.... I will say that I live around some pretty big rednecks and I'm good enough friends with a few of them that they will help show me how to live off the land to support our families... But let's hope it never comes to that
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Same here. Our family has hundreds of acres of land between us and the guns and trucks and more to make it work. We have a plan and are prepared for our best efforts.


You've thought and talked about it at least. That's good to hear. And I'm glad you didn't go into detail about your plan. That is something to be protected.


What is the purpose of this thread? Sharing survival strategies, or brag about how well prepared we THINK we are?


I started this thread to poke people in the brain if they have not thought of something like this. It's very real and very possible. As American's, we feel we are always going to be "ok". "Someone" will fix things. Many people just don't have the outlook that they might have to be the one in the big picture dealing with the problem. "That happens to other people", frame of mind, is where many people are with many big issues. On CR we are pretty fortunate. We know we have the means to be on the internet. And we are on here often. This is a luxery, but it's an everyday given to most on here. I'm straying a bit, but what I was hoping for out of this thread was for people to talk through what would need to be done. How to do it, kind of exchange thought's on how to get to the safest position. And I was hoping to have people be realistic.


First yes this is a very scary scenario. I question what storing large amounts of cash money will do for you if the system collapses I would think money would be worthless. I think in this situation that precious metals, food, clean water, some form of security and most importantly whatever skills you posses that would be helpful in this situation ( ie someone with good mechanical skills teaming up with someone who is a good farmer or someone with some solid security skills) would be the most important thing. I live in a small town and am hoping that aside from a few altercations that are bound to happen that the town can kind of band together and use our collective skill setts to get through this. My big hope is that even if we loose electric long term we can survive using steam power to do work since it's harder to create gas or diesel than it would be to revert back to steampower.


You're thinking is what I was looking to see brought up here. Does this come to town's coming together to help each other? Are we a sociaty that still does that? or are there too many selfish people who would ruin something like this?


My system? Loot what I can, head for a coast, steal a sailboat, find new continent and repopulate with supermodels.


Water World is not a bad idea either. Get on a Navy nuclear powered ship and you are set for quite some time.


Realistically, I'd get the hell out of Texas. The fact that we've had drought conditions that may last for a few years isn't a good situation. Seclusion isn't always the best bet, but for a small period of time that would be best. The initial shock and panic alone would probably be the tough part. Not knowing what the other millions of people had on their agenda would be the first threat. Strength in numbers would be an ideal situation, so it makes you dig deep as to who you could really trust. I'm glad I've got a little experience in the woods, along with hunting and what not. The tough part would be getting back to those primal instincts and sharpening those skills.


I'll be honest to say I'm not 100% prepared, and I don't think most Americans are. A running joke of preparing for zombies, corollates to any SHTF scenario. I'm hoping to be 100% with in the next few months.


We have evolved and the primitive skills aren't used anymore. There isn't an "App" to start a fire. I absolutely think people will straight up kill each other for something they want. Trust will need to be earned to be around people and you are a threat until proven useful. 2010 US population shows 312,478,468. That's a shit ton of people with the same problem trying to do the same thing to fix it and live a good life.


Water, food, shelter, and safety. Everything else becomes a luxery IF you can establish these 4 things. Safety is very complicated, becase it may take having more people with you. Which in turn, can comprimize your other 3 needs.


Your thoughts?

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I started this thread to poke people in the brain if they have not thought of something like this. It's very real and very possible.


I really think you need to double check your definition of the word "very."


Go read up on Brazil in the '80s. There's an example of a giant country with lots of people that lived through a period of obscene inflation, to the point where their currency was essentially worthless. They did not take to killing each other in the streets. That's just one example, there are many others throughout history. I'm not sure why the most prosperous nation on the planet would fare worse.

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Just like all those 10s of thousands folks who got killed in their own homes during the LA riots when looting was going on? Or in New Orleans?


If we actually get to a SHTF post-apocalyptic wasteland, I'm going to have to drastically shift my outlook in order to survive, but I don't think it's particularly likely that we'll ever get to that point. I think the worst we'd have to put up with in the case of an attack on the banking system is a country-wide Katrina, which didn't exactly necessitate Chuck Norris levels of badassery in order to survive.


I see where you are going with that comparison. However, you are talking 3% of the population had the same problem. I'm saying 100% have the problem. A natural disaster puts everyone in harm’s way, the same way. There was looting, people were killed for their belongings. People did come together to help each other out, and most of that came from people outside that area coming to help. Because they could help from where they were. I don't see Canada or Mexico doing being our savior. I'm not saying there is a right answer to doing thing a certain way" and you WILL survive". My thought is plan and be prepared for the worst and hope for the best. A large scale event is very likely on US soil. Not so much being invaded by soldiers from another land. But our enemies know that to defeat us, they would need to have us fight ourselves first.

All the bad ass skills in the world, equipment, and protection never mean you will be ok. It just gives you a better chance to make it through situations that may come up. And even if you make it through, fighting and killing to survive, you could get a cut that ends up infected and die. How bad ass is all you've done now. It's an asymmetrical fight we would be up against.

Chuck Norris would get a head ache trying to come up with a solution.

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I've seen some disaster prep folks take it a bit far before, and I use those personal examples as the measuring stick to keep myself in check regarding the difference between preparation, and paranoia. Specifically a good friends father who went well off the deep end and spends so much time and money preparing for the "inevitable collapse of civilized society", that he might as well buy a unibomber shack in a forest somewhere, and live by himself and just pretend the collapse has already occured. At a point, it almost feels like someone wants something crazy to happen.


I've basically tried to keep the normal survival stuff one would expect. Drinking water, a small supply of food, ammunition for hunting or protection, and some basic outdoor gear for myself and the family. I just can't allow myself to get any more sucked in.

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I really think you need to double check your definition of the word "very."


Go read up on Brazil in the '80s. There's an example of a giant country with lots of people that lived through a period of obscene inflation, to the point where their currency was essentially worthless. They did not take to killing each other in the streets. That's just one example, there are many others throughout history. I'm not sure why the most prosperous nation on the planet would fare worse.


If it's real enough for the enemies of the US to try and do this, I'd say "very" is a useful word here. Should we ignore them wanting to do this and just assume, "someone" will make sure this doesn't happen to us? Validating to possibility of something like this is impossible. Deciding to just not think about it, because everything will work itself out, is naive.


I'm familiar with what happened in Brazil, as I am with our Great Depression. The people in the US have changed and have a feeling of entitlement that someone else will make things better. There is the expectation that there is someone out there "government" or our law's, that will make things right. I hope that works too. But I'm willing to entertain thoughts, should thing not go well.

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Well, I guess we're not on the same page. Evil baddies can want it all they want, but the strength of our society is greater than the sum of its constructs, and tearing down 500 years of western civilization isn't going to be easy.


So you can call me naive, and I can call you a crackpot, and that's probably where we're going to have to part ways.

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I've seen some disaster prep folks take it a bit far before, and I use those personal examples as the measuring stick to keep myself in check regarding the difference between preparation, and paranoia. Specifically a good friends father who went well off the deep end and spends so much time and money preparing for the "inevitable collapse of civilized society", that he might as well buy a unibomber shack in a forest somewhere, and live by himself and just pretend the collapse has already occured. At a point, it almost feels like someone wants something crazy to happen.


I've basically tried to keep the normal survival stuff one would expect. Drinking water, a small supply of food, ammunition for hunting or protection, and some basic outdoor gear for myself and the family. I just can't allow myself to get any more sucked in.


And that's really all I'm getting at. I'm just trying to guage what preperation people have made for a bad day, or longer. Functional preperation without comprimising living a comfortable life.

Some people I work with are the type to want something crazy to happen. They are young and trigger happy and looking to prove themselves through conflict.

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Deciding to just not think about it, because everything will work itself out, is naive.


So you can call me naive, and I can call you a crackpot, and that's probably where we're going to have to part ways.



So you're just not going to think about it, is what you're saying? By writing in here, you already have been thinking about it. And you will continue to view options you have. So I guess you can be a crackpot with me. Pull up a chair, I'll share my MRE with you.

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