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The next 6-8 weeks are going to suck ass for me and my wife.


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Sounds like your over the hump. So glad to hear he's doing better and even though I don't think we've met yet that you and your wife are doing well also. There is nothing worse as a parent than a hurt or hurting child. My son at 7 was diagnosed with a benign brain tumor. At 10 was his first surgery and the second at 13 and hopefully his last. Tumor is gone.(now a normal pain in the ass 19 yr old and I'm so grateful!!) Just know I WILL be praying for you guys and him. My heart goes out to all of you.
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Well today was the day he got the full cast off and put the other "half cast" on. He did remarkably well. The doc gave us liquid valium and that tasted like shit (I put some on my finger to try it). It was f'n nasty. Even mixed with his drink it sucked. So we just sucked it up and took him to Childrens ortho place off Cleveland. Very cool guy was there and was playing with Ryan and a few of us held him down and in 1 minute and like 30 seconds the cast was off. He didn't really complain at all getting the new one on.


This one he can walk in and it's waterproof so he can get in the tub now. This will be on for another 4 weeks (right after Christmas) and it'll come off and we should be good to go.


Thanks for all the kind words. My wife and I didn't think it was NEARLY as bad as we thought it would be.


Glad he is doing better. Too soon to ask for the liquid Valium? :masturboy:

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