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Cigarette smoking on gov't assistance


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Also LOLd hard at welfare ppl having pets then needing ppl to pay for them and that there's actually ppl in this thread that take food to them. Shit is ridiculous. Wish govt

Wasnt soo soft on people like this. Only thing I feel sorry for is the animals in this situation.

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Actually, smoking does a few things for you. Not all negative. Secondly, it makes you no more or less weak than any other craving or habit. Of course, I'm sure you have zero craving or habits that you ever give into. I mean, you wouldn't generalize and disrespect an entire group of people out of ignorance and bigotry would you? :rolleyes:


Think before you speak.


BTW, I don't smoke. :)[/




Putting yourself in the position to become addicted to something as worthless as smoking makes you weak.

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Actually, smoking does a few things for you. Not all negative. Secondly, it makes you no more or less weak than any other craving or habit. Of course, I'm sure you have zero craving or habits that you ever give into. I mean, you wouldn't generalize and disrespect an entire group of people out of ignorance and bigotry would you? :rolleyes:


Think before you speak.


BTW, I don't smoke. :)

The downsides far outweigh any benefit you may see. Still not sure what you would consider "beneficial" other than maybe a calming of nerves.


I think that people that get enjoyment out of smoking are at a serious low in their life. I find them to be easily influenced people that get no enjoyment out of life and are fighting depression.

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LOL @ all the junior psychologists, psychoanalysts, and addiction specialists in this thread.


yes. i lol at the armchair ph.d's, armed with webmd and an ipad.


despite this, its no secret that we need to cut entitlements, by like a metric fuckton. in addition, here are the only things your EBT card can pay for:


bean soup


toilet paper

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Well, if that's the only place you can reasonably get to, then it is what it is. The problem is access and knowledge about what is healthy. That corner store being your the place to get food is a problem for not just people who are on food stamps but also people who work for every dime they spend.




Over-processed foods have been forced into our lifestyles until it's the only thing some people know.


I'm glad somebody brought up food deserts. Columbus having them is debatable.

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LOL @ all the junior psychologists, psychoanalysts, and addiction specialists in this thread.


yes. i lol at the armchair ph.d's, armed with webmd and an ipad.


despite this, its no secret that we need to cut entitlements, by like a metric fuckton. in addition, here are the only things your EBT card can pay for:


bean soup


toilet paper

I work in the auto industry and I'm on a car forum. I'm used to everyone being an armchair QB by now. The comment I made stands true for everyone I've ever met that smokes/d. They've all had some level of depression that's only prolonged by a continuous habit. Then again, I live in Detroit and this is what we do.



Talking about food desert's, there is no chain supermarket anywhere within the city limits. The only thing available is corner stores or markets. The Detroit Home Depot is one of the highest grossing stores in the nation, partially due to the fact that they expanded their selection of household goods at this location. Meijer is about to move back into the area though.

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I too like all the people stating that smoking is for the weak......I wonder how many Drink?

Is that for the weak as well?


I do drink....Im also an Ex 2 pack a day smoker who despises cigarettes.

I think Cigarettes cost the Amercian tax payers and the american worker a lot of money each year. Smoking is horibble, it sticks, causes cancer, and the most important part I hate, lost productivity at work. Smokers get/take more breaks than the non smoking co-worker, and I hate that I make up for your break by working through.



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the stuff that you can buy with food stamps is ridiculous. they even take food stamps at gas stations and udf's! because that's a great place to buy nutritious food *eye roll*


Food stamps should be as regulated as WIC. you can buy fresh veggies, milk, cheese, protiens, and bread.

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You guys are wasting your internet time. Everyone is beating a dead horse about people on welfare/Smokers can or cannot do. This subject is like complaining about rappers rapping about bitches and hoe's and degreating women. It's never gonna change. Don't like paying tax's for people on welfare then find a non tax paying job or suck it up.


Thanks for my time to Rant

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I think that people that get enjoyment out of smoking are at a serious low in their life. I find them to be easily influenced people that get no enjoyment out of life and are fighting depression.


I'm exactly the opposite of everything you said in this post, and I smoke. Making a general statement about everyone who smokes being the same is just ignorant on your part.

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I agree, if you need government assistance for anything, you should be cutting things out that you don't need. Now that goes for anything, not just cigarettes.


I smoke, so all you calling cigarette smokers worthless and so on, I take that personally so you all can go suck your mom's dick. Yes, cigarettes are around $5 a pack, but to a person like me who smokes about 1 to 1.5 packs a week, that's not really going to break the bank there. I bet some of you spend more on other habits that are equally as "worthless". Where are all the coffee drinkers? How about all you fat asses that are constantly shoving some kind of food down your throats? Being a fat fuck is just as bad for you as smoking, if not worse.


You fucks going on about how only "depressed" people, "easily influenced" and "weak" etc people smoke, EL OH FUCKING EL. People can't smoke simply because they enjoy it?

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Lol you worthless smoker



I agree, if you need government assistance for anything, you should be cutting things out that you don't need. Now that goes for anything, not just cigarettes.


I smoke, so all you calling cigarette smokers worthless and so on, I take that personally so you all can go suck your mom's dick. Yes, cigarettes are around $5 a pack, but to a person like me who smokes about 1 to 1.5 packs a week, that's not really going to break the bank there. I bet some of you spend more on other habits that are equally as "worthless". Where are all the coffee drinkers? How about all you fat asses that are constantly shoving some kind of food down your throats? Being a fat fuck is just as bad for you as smoking, if not worse.


You fucks going on about how only "depressed" people, "easily influenced" and "weak" etc people smoke, EL OH FUCKING EL. People can't smoke simply because they enjoy it?

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Personally I don't give a shit what anyone does......

When they pay for it THEMSELVES.


But every time I see tax dollars buying some lazy POS smokes, booze, t-bones, cell phones, LCDs, and PSPs it makes me want to flip out.


People that really NEED assistance because they don't have the ability to take care of themselves don't get enough. Then there are these career assistance dwellers, who know how to work the system and never work a day even though they can.


The safety net is WAY to fucking high. There is no incentive for these people to get back to the workforce and climb the ladder. Hell they already live better than the people on the "first couple rungs" of the real workforce. Then most of the kids raised in this kind of system know nothing other than that life so they do the same damn thing.


We could literally put thousands of people to work just checking on everyone on assistance. They could truely assess these peoples level of need and assist the able ones with getting back to a normal working life. The money saved getting people off the system would pay these salaries and still have money left over.


I really don't get why all of our political agendas are geared around the top 5% (getting out of taxes) and the bottom 5% (getting everything for free) and the rest of us 90% take the dick.

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I really don't get why all of our political agendas are geared around the top 5% (getting out of taxes) and the bottom 5% (getting everything for free) and the rest of us 90% take the dick.


You're certainly on the money with that thinking. Seriously; everyone chooses to go after the wealthy when in fact it's likely much easier to clean up the bottom feeders and plug the holes in the bucket our system created over the years.

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You're certainly on the money with that thinking. Seriously; everyone chooses to go after the wealthy when in fact it's likely much easier to clean up the bottom feeders and plug the holes in the bucket our system created over the years.


I've actually kicked around getting into politics (locally initially).

So I made a couple friends with guys that already are. After getting to know them they started to speak more candidly about their true thoughts, as opposed to their "official stances" on subjects. The funny part is one is a Democrat and one is a Republican, and both of them really think a lot alike. More in the middle (like 90% of us). And both of them told me not appeasing the very top and the very bottom is a career ender as either party will basically get you out. Neither one really knows the other, and neither one knew of my other conversation. So I have to think they aren't just blowing smoke up my ass. It's sickening though when you think about it.

We are basically fucked.

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LOL @ all the junior psychologists, psychoanalysts, and addiction specialists in this thread.




It's hard for me to understand how people can make such broad generalizations about people that they have to know can't be right. Especially, such negative ones.


Actually, I do understand why they do it, it just saddens me to think so.

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