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Who has decorated for Christmas


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I out the lights out yesterday, turned em on and they were all working.. Half hour later a blcok of lights dead center of the garage turned out.. I checked each of the bulbs and cant find the one thats dead. :mad:


Ill put hte christmas tree up this week, when my studio mess is out of the living room.

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We did ours this past week, but nothing like Doc's, I can't believe he decorated three entire houses!


Well, like I said, it's Christmas. We don't make all this effort for ourselves, it's for the enjoyment of others.


I'll post pics of the whole place at night, that should really show off my handiwork. I'm thinking of adding a laser light show this year, will post pics of that if it comes out as spectacular as I envisage.

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Tradition in our family is to begin on Black Friday. We have about 75% of the house complete. We do two trees, an 10 ft one in the great room and an 8ft one in the lower level. We also have a small 3ft one that my wife and I had for years we put up and let the kids do 100%. They had a blast and it actually looks good :)


I don't do outside lights any more. Just too much stuff in life going on to even want to mess with that anymore. Hell, I'm glad I am done with yard work.

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I out the lights out yesterday, turned em on and they were all working.. Half hour later a blcok of lights dead center of the garage turned out.. I checked each of the bulbs and cant find the one thats dead. :mad:


Ill put hte christmas tree up this week, when my studio mess is out of the living room.


That happened to me about 4 years ago and I have not done them since. I was so pissed that I left them up and didnt take them down until summer that year. So far they are all working this year.

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I'm thinking of adding a laser light show this year, will post pics of that if it comes out as spectacular as I envisage.


Great! I'll be sure to look out for your place from the plane window when I'm flying into Columbus in a couple of weeks.

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That happened to me about 4 years ago and I have not done them since. I was so pissed that I left them up and didnt take them down until summer that year. So far they are all working this year.


Sometimes it's annoying being a cheerful, but I love the holidays, and can't convince myself to not have the lights up. I have a spare set of lights to replace the broken set with.. But they are cheap lights and I don't expect them to last more than a season or two.

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My Christmas lights at night:



Christmas village attacked by space laser (left click on image):




And of course, the lighting of the tree (left click):


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Since I knew you couldn't be here in person for the lighting of the tree, I felt that the least I could do was capture the moment on film. Well, not really film of course, more like zeroes and ones.


I'm sure you'll want to save a copy to cherish at some Christmas, far into the distant future, when you'll have to explain to your grandchildren how in 2011 it was uncommon to see space lasers lighting trees on fire.

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I have 800 LED lights to go up on the house, a few still to put up. Taken with the cell phone:




A 30 tall tree out back I put lights on before Thanksgiving:





Our tree before decorations were put on. The ceiling is 8'6" and that is probably 6' in diameter at the bottom. This years tree is very wide.



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