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Tsunami Video


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The hard part about watching these videos is knowing people were in those cars. I feel mainly for the mothers and fathers with kids. I wouldn't leave without my kids but at ages 5 & 8 there's no way we would be able to get them out and all swim/make it to safety.


In this vid, early on, he had a chance to get out and run to the nearest building that's 2-3 stories high. About all you can do.

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The hard part about watching these videos is knowing people were in those cars. I feel mainly for the mothers and fathers with kids. I wouldn't leave without my kids but at ages 5 & 8 there's no way we would be able to get them out and all swim/make it to safety.


In this vid, early on, he had a chance to get out and run to the nearest building that's 2-3 stories high. About all you can do.


That's what I was thinking too. It was eerie to see all those cars floating around because you knew there were people trapped in them.

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The hard part about watching these videos is knowing people were in those cars. I feel mainly for the mothers and fathers with kids. I wouldn't leave without my kids but at ages 5 & 8 there's no way we would be able to get them out and all swim/make it to safety.


In this vid, early on, he had a chance to get out and run to the nearest building that's 2-3 stories high. About all you can do.


I thought about that but, if you just felt an 'earthquake', or at least thats what you thought it was. The last place you would run into is a 3 story building, thinking if a quake hits again and its strong enough the building could collapse.


Crazy though, as i watched i kept thinking what i would try and do, fuck alot of those people just had no way out.

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Wow, how hard would it have been to get everyone's insurance and id for hitting my car?


If someone feels a quake there, I bet there's always the fear of a huge wave later. Even when living in California (when I lived near the coast) there was always that bit of fear when an earthquake struck, that there maybe a wave from it.


I used to have nightmares about giant tidal waves so high when you looked up, the crest was already overhead, past you, and the wall was still coming. I couldn't even count the amount of times I've been caught or about to be caught in a giant wave(s), sometimes pulled screaming into the vast expanse of the ocean. Terrifying and I love the ocean and have no fear swimming way out into it. Unfortunately, these people don't get to wake up from it.

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I thought about that but, if you just felt an 'earthquake', or at least thats what you thought it was. The last place you would run into is a 3 story building, thinking if a quake hits again and its strong enough the building could collapse.


Crazy though, as i watched i kept thinking what i would try and do, fuck alot of those people just had no way out.


True, but if I saw the Ocean crashing through the intersection like that and knew it was a matter of a minute or so before it come towards me, I'd be driving over fences to get as close to that building as I could. Falling apart or nor, my ass would be at the top of it ready to use the roof as my surfboard.

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