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Any certified home appraisers on here? (Franklin CO - EAD)


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Trying to see if it would be worth my time trying to fight franklin county...when i moved into my house 2.5 years ago, they had the value at $117,300. i bought it for $78k. argued the value down, they agreed on that at the beginning of 2010. now the new appraisals came out, i got a letter saying it would be $102,200 (HA!). went to the open house type thing they had, took my stuff from when i bought the house (HUD appraisal showing $75k, banks showing $80k, closing statement), and today i get a letter saying that the $102,200 is final and if i want to argue it, i'll have to go through the whole process i just went through...in the end, this will add approximately $550/yr ($45/mo) to my mortgage...while it isnt a lot, its BS they raised it by so much. if they came back with $85-88k-ish, i'd probably agree with them.


I just find it funny that while everyones value in my neighborhood dropped, and i got mine done ahead of all them, mine goes up by 30%. WTF.


IF i could sell this house for $102k now, i'd fucking take the ~$20k i'd end up with and run. that wont happen though.


so do i spend my time going through the process again, and paying an appraiser like $300 to try to get it lowered back down?

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All of those (whot think they are but really aren't) one percenters are just angry the dirty hippies are coming after their money [/sarcasm]





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Trying to see if it would be worth my time trying to fight franklin county...when i moved into my house 2.5 years ago, they had the value at $117,300. i bought it for $78k. argued the value down, they agreed on that at the beginning of 2010. now the new appraisals came out, i got a letter saying it would be $102,200 (HA!). went to the open house type thing they had, took my stuff from when i bought the house (HUD appraisal showing $75k, banks showing $80k, closing statement), and today i get a letter saying that the $102,200 is final and if i want to argue it, i'll have to go through the whole process i just went through...in the end, this will add approximately $550/yr ($45/mo) to my mortgage...while it isnt a lot, its BS they raised it by so much. if they came back with $85-88k-ish, i'd probably agree with them.


I just find it funny that while everyones value in my neighborhood dropped, and i got mine done ahead of all them, mine goes up by 30%. WTF.


IF i could sell this house for $102k now, i'd fucking take the ~$20k i'd end up with and run. that wont happen though.


so do i spend my time going through the process again, and paying an appraiser like $300 to try to get it lowered back down?


I am a Mortgage Banker, I can help you with this. IMO though-you have to realize they do "assessments" every year (the value they gave you was form a guy sitting behind a desk, not an actual appraisal of ant sort. ). If they did it this year, they may do it every year.... I would talk you friends you know in the area to see if they are dealing with the same issues.




Just shoot me a PM and we can handle it Monday if you want an appraisal.

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I am a Mortgage Banker, I can help you with this. IMO though-you have to realize they do "assessments" every year (the value they gave you was form a guy sitting behind a desk, not an actual appraisal of ant sort. ). If they did it this year, they may do it every year.... I would talk you friends you know in the area to see if they are dealing with the same issues.




Just shoot me a PM and we can handle it Monday if you want an appraisal.


Its every 3yrs here...ive looked online at neighbors houses proposed values, and they all went down...im just getting f'd because theyre taking it down a % off the '07 values and not taking in to thought the appraisals saying 75 and 80 they agreed on just last year.

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Its every 3yrs here...ive looked online at neighbors houses proposed values, and they all went down...im just getting f'd because theyre taking it down a % off the '07 values and not taking in to thought the appraisals saying 75 and 80 they agreed on just last year.


Yes-but either way you are going to have to "fight" it. (Submit paperwork, wait 6 months, show up to a "committee hearing"). So, in the long run its probably worth it. If you have comparable at a lower assessment, you've got a great case.

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Feel free to email me at mstock@usavingsbank.com. I have a lot of local appraisers that should be able to complete an appraisal for you for under $300.00.


It really should be a pretty simple process; you provide the county with an updated appraisal showing the huge difference in value and they should drop it accordingly. We do it all the time.


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ben, do they change it based on new purchase price too? say a home is listed and auditor appraised at $500,000. you buy it for $400,000. is that evidence enough to go to the auditor at that point and have the taxes lowered?


Yes. When you buy your home you shouldn't have too much trouble obtaining a copy of the appraisal, which will save you a couple bucks. Take to auditor, get taxes lowered, profit.

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Yes. When you buy your home you shouldn't have too much trouble obtaining a copy of the appraisal, which will save you a couple bucks. Take to auditor, get taxes lowered, profit.


This. If you purchase a home with financing you must have an appraisal. And, the lender is required to provide you a copy of the appraisal no later than at your closing. Annnd, if the appraisal comes in lower than the purchase price when you are in contract, you must renegotiate your contract. :)


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ben, do they change it based on new purchase price too? say a home is listed and auditor appraised at $500,000. you buy it for $400,000. is that evidence enough to go to the auditor at that point and have the taxes lowered?





But I would also get comps to support the value. Anyone can get a deal, a HUD-1 may not enough by itself.

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