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Why are so many bystanders cowards?! (man stomps toddler to kill)


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Yeah, I have seen this. This happened several years ago. People are sick man. I know I have had several feelings of just chucking my kids out a window or down the stairs, but that is when you have to leave the room. I have even had to pull off the road and get out of the car to let my kid scream. Some people can't handle the pressure of having kids. And you would say well then they just shouldn't have kids, but the fact is people do ya know.

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he can't sue you with two in the chest and one in the head if i ever see someone treating and small child like that i will have no problems or second thaught to end them i love my winchester Ranger ammo for one simple reason it's a great threat stopper

Edited by Reaper
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Thank you for letting me know there are some true humans out there. Fuck my own well being...I don't give a shit. If that was happening and you didn't do shit...you're a COWARD! Simple as that. Funny thing is though if it was happening to you, you'd be begging for someone to help you.

Edited by NinjaNick
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People go into shock easily. And just seeing something like that will do it. And then that adrenaline hits, and most people just shake. A few kick it up and make a move, but very few. Plus you're going up against some one who is obviously willing to kill. That's a bit of a challenge for most people. And indeed, if you over do it, you can wind up with similar charges.

Fast thinking people would run over, grab the kid, and run like Hell.

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Guy at side of road stomping toddler to death. Several motorists stop and call 911. But NO-ON DOES A FUCKING THING TILL THE COPS GET THERE MINUTES LATER! The child ends up dying at hospital after cops shoot the guy.

Because people are taught from a young age to avoid confrontations.

Because men have been imasculated to the point that, when it's time to act, they don't know what to do.

Because people are afraid if they do something, even something justified they may get sued.

Simply put... people are fucking pussys. With the current crop we have, we would have died out in the great depresion, we would have lost WWI and WWII and probably would have even let Russia win the cold war.

The worst part is... it's going to get worse.

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I always surrounded myself around people that aren't like that and would do something about it. I don't think I've ever been too close to someone that is a softy towards punishment and doesn't feel the way I do about things. Probably why 12oclocker and I talk all the time...lol

Edited by NinjaNick
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i have very few friends because of the fact that alot of people i saw living in florida had no back bone . As soon as they saw something about to happen they would run like bitchs

I have lots of aquantices, but a good FRIEND is hard to find. I know exactly what you mean Reaper.

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I always surrounded myself around people that aren't like that and would do something about it. I don't think I've ever been too close to someone that is a softy and doesn't feel the way I do about things. Probably why 12oclocker and I talk all the time...lol

Fuckin-A man! I can't stand by and watch bad shit happen. It may get me killed one day... but it's the way I am. I have never seen anything like that dude stomping a kid... but I have stopped drunk guys from beating their girlfriends and whatnot. I couldn't imagine just standing ther watching that dude kill a toddler... I would be so ashamed of myself I couldn't continue life. :( FUCKING PUSSYS!!

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have you seen that show on MTV where they beat up bullies? they had some dude on there who always tormented his little brother. made him fight some MMA dude the size of a refrigerator lol. he thought he was hard until he got kicked in the stomach :p

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This show goes to show just how spineless people really are. Two of them I saw really got me. One a guy very obviously slipped a girl on a first date a mickey, and the other one this big black dude was smacking his woman around in a park. The one with the mickey, only 2 people even SAID anything and they did this all day for a couple days. One was a little old lady and the other was a guy. The one with the big dude beating his chick the ONLY person to do SHIT was some little old black lady who was ready to break her foot off in his ass until they came out and settled her down. People are taught these days, to let the cops take care of it. Just call 911... be dependent on someone else for your safety and the safety of those around you. The problem is... when seconds count... cops are minutes away. I would hope if a member of my family were being assaulted, someone would step up and help them and because of this if I see a member of someone else's family being assaulted... i'm gonna fuckin do something about it!

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