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2012 Movies


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Wow...just spent the last 45 minutes on-and-off of Youtube, checking out trailers:


The Darkest Hour (technically Christmas, 2011)

Red Tails


Men In Black 3

Ghost Rider: Spirit of Vengeance

The Dark Knight Rises

Expendables 2

Sherlock Holmes 2


Lotta sequels, lotta potential....looks like Hollywood is taking the "shotgun" approach to win back box-office revenue.

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I have watched the first 6 mins of The Dark Knight rises and honestly it has me worried. I am a huge Batman fan nerd and I figured they would have a hard time topping The Dark Knight. The dude playing Bane (main villian) has come up with some sort of fucked up voice to use for this movie, so bad that it almost annoys you. Sounds like a muffled megaphone


Well the link I had to the leak has been removed by WB lol. I'll try finding another one, for now here is the official trailer that was released with Sherlock Holmes 2





Also you forgot The Amazing Spiderman and The Avengers

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  • 2 months later...
So much want for Prometheus.....:masturboy:


I've been talking to a few people about doing a marathon a few weeks before, then go see Prometheus when it comes out. Maybe all of the Alien movies, or maybe just the first one and Blade Runner.

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I'm also VERY excited for Gravity.


Alfonso Cuarón is the Director/Writer/Produce/Editor for this film. He was also the Director/Writer/Editor for Children of Men, which is one of my favorite movies.


Go watch Children of Men (right now) if you haven't.

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I'm also VERY excited for Gravity.


Alfonso Cuarón is the Director/Writer/Produce/Editor for this film. He was also the Director/Writer/Editor for Children of Men, which is one of my favorite movies.


Go watch Children of Men (right now) if you haven't.


that was a great movie, from storyline to cinematography (sp?).

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