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One Survival Rifle


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Probably a lame thread, and purely opinion based...


You are going to purchase one rifle as your go to SHTF long gun. You will carry it if you have to walk out of a place, hunt game with it, protect you and your family with it etc


what do you choose and why(explain your logic)

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I was going to post something funny like a storm-trooper rifle, or a Halo gun with some witty remarks, but then I got lazy.


Get a good AK like a Saiga or Arsenal, OR a good AR like a BCM or Colt, learn the system, have spares, have ammo, practice a lot, get training.


AKs because everywhere else uses them, ARs because we use them, and they're both good common weapons systems.

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This http://www.ruger.com/products/gunsiteScoutRifle/models.html

The Scout has much wider ability but ammo carrying capacity would be the downfall.



Or this http://www.ruger.com/products/1022/index.html

This you could carry a huge amount of ammo. The survival aspect of feeding yourself would be good with this but the defense capabilities would be lacking.


I personally think that in long term the 22 and large amount of ammo would be the way to go.

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As much as I'd like to have a "nice" gun for that role, it's SKS-M all the way for me. Plentiful ammo, reliable powerful enough and cheap enough to practice with. AK might be an even better choice for parts availability but I feel the SKS is a little more solid and makes for better accuracy. Major downsides are weight of the gun and a reasonable amount of ammo will be quite a bit more than an M4 and same number of rounds of 5.56.


Also, the SKS was dirt cheap compared to the $2000 gun I'd like to have. The gun you HAVE is always better than nothing.

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  Trouble Maker said:
I'm not carrying a gun.

Reason: They are too heavy.


This is why you carry 50lbs and I carry 25 when we hike. :fa:


This is the smart way. Im so out of shape now, I'd be at a major disadvantage in a SHTF scenario. Maybe pack a sidearm and store your "real" guns at your destination.

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  Trouble Maker said:
I'm not carrying a gun.

Reason: They are too heavy.


This is why you carry 50lbs and I carry 25 when we hike. :fa:


"Hey Howard are you bringing a gun in case if bear/dogs/Hillbillys"

"Hey Howard can I have some water I only brought 40oz"

"Hey Howard can I sleep in your tent the woods are scary"



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  Drewhop said:

Or this http://www.ruger.com/products/1022/index.html

This you could carry a huge amount of ammo. The survival aspect of feeding yourself would be good with this but the defense capabilities would be lacking.


I personally think that in long term the 22 and large amount of ammo would be the way to go.


Agree on the .22

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  Not Brian said:
I agree with some kind of .22 rifle good for killing squirrels and stuff. The best way to survive an apocalypse is on the move (unless you have some kind of million dollar underground bunker) and I couldn't carry an entire deer with me.

Yeah, I keep one of these in the large BOB for potential hunting purposes. It comes apart in the middle and fits in my pack like it was made for it. The gun and 300 rounds doesn't weigh more than probably 6 pounds. 22 is a little light for 2-legged predators though.



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My M1A scout squad.

It's light.

Shorter barrel than a traditional M1A.

Chambered in .308/7.62X51mm NATO.

It's accurate.

20 rounds per mag is enough.

It would really hurt to get butt stroked with it.

Reliability isn't nor has been an issue.

I'm comfortable with it.

The same type of rifle has saved my life on a few occasions.

It's simple.

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