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Midwestern Auto Group = the worst


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Three reasons


-Could never fix my mom's old 900 while it was under warranty. She had it in 14 times because it was running rich and had check engine lights on. Eventually, I got old enough to work on it, replaced the ECU (junkyard find), and all was well.


-Back when I worked at a mechanic's shop, we always sourced our SAAB parts from ShakerSAAB in Cleveland because MAG was overpriced and couldn't get our orders right half the time.



AND TODAY and why I am :mad:


Called last week to schedule recall work. Had an appt for 11 today. Drove across town to have the recall work done. Arrived and THEY REFUSED to do the work!


Now that SAAB is out of business, I guess the status of recalls//warranties is unknown. Since MAG doesn't know if they will get their money, they refuse to do the work. I can understand this.


What I can't understand is why I never got a phonecall? I never got an email? Surely, somebody could have let me know before I drove across town!


When I called ShakerSAAB in Cleveland, they were still honoring warranties and recalls (even though it might be on company dime). This is above and beyond my expected level of service. However, MAG is far below my expectations.


Frustrated. Based on my experiences, I will certainly will not be buying cars from them in the future.





Cliffs: MAG blows

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while I can understand not getting a call and having to drive all that way pissing you off, but I'd like to better understand how the news is impacting MAG before passing judgement.


Are they being impacted in terms of not getting reimbursed?

What does the news due to them overall $$

How much notice did they get from SAAB?


MAG isn't going to warranty cars out of their own pocket and incur huge losses and while it would be nice to think they would, it's not likely a money maker for them. Whatever they give away at Zero Dollars would take quite bit to make up in terms of billable work from those same customers.


In the end, blame SAAB not MAG. One would think SAAB would have the plan to insure customer satisfaction and not pass their pain off to owners through the pain dealers are now facing.

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MAG isn't going to warranty cars out of their own pocket and incur huge losses and while it would be nice to think they would, it's not likely a money maker for them. Whatever they give away at Zero Dollars would take quite bit to make up in terms of billable work from those same customers.


In the end, blame SAAB not MAG. One would think SAAB would have the plan to insure customer satisfaction and not pass their pain off to owners through the pain dealers are now facing.


To the best of my knowledge, it is up in the air as to whether dealerships will get reimbursed. Shaker SAAB is taking the risk of continuing work. MAG is not.


I wouldn't want to do work without getting paid either. I can completely understand this.


What I hate is that I was not notified when the recall situation changed. Unprofessional. What if I had driven two hours from Oxford, OH (where I go to school) for a warranty issue!?

You don't drive an $80,000 supercar. Your frustrations are laughed at.

Truth. And if I ever get the chance to buy one, it will not be from MAG.


Also, to the owner of the black Ferrari in the garage next to me. Dayummm. Your car and wife were gorgeous.

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What I hate is that I was not notified when the recall situation changed. Unprofessional. What if I had driven two hours from Oxford, OH (where I go to school) for a warranty issue!?


I can see that. However, this is the car business we're talking about.....that said, I have come to expect this level of service regardless of the dealer or brand.


Now indeed if you were coming from Oxford, I would say that from this day forward since you know this is the car business and have experienced this situation, the illness would be on you to make the call to them for clarification. You owe it to yourself.

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If you made the appointment online I find it hard to be sympathetic. If you called them and made an appointment and refused to work on it when you got there, that is bullshit. Automated online appointments are fucking stupid, we take them here at Dave Gill, but they don't show up in our system. If you were too lazy to call and set up your appointment, they were too lazy to screen their online crap.
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If you made the appointment online I find it hard to be sympathetic. If you called them and made an appointment and refused to work on it when you got there, that is bullshit. Automated online appointments are fucking stupid, we take them here at Dave Gill, but they don't show up in our system. If you were too lazy to call and set up your appointment, they were too lazy to screen their online crap.


I called in and talked to them just last week to set up the appt. At the time, I didn't have the foresight to ask "what if SAAB goes bankrupt over the weekend?"


I actually assumed that SAAB had set up a fund at the time of production for warranty and recall work. Oops - didn't realize how it worked.


The recalls weren't a huge deal for me (something about the ignition switch and fuel lines), but I feel terrible for anyone who just bought a SAAB and no longer has a warranty

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Read skinners thread and find out why you could be in much worse a spot with saab ownership.


Lol new saab with no warranty or parts.


Just did. The people buying new SAABs would be so screwed.


This part of the article sounded promising though since mine is a GM....


"In the event Saab cannot or will not fulfill its obligations to administer the warranty programs with its U.S. and Canadian dealers through Saab Cars North America or otherwise, GM will take necessary steps to ensure that remaining warranty obligations on Saab vehicles marketed by GM in the United States and Canada will be honored."
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Could never fix my mom's old 900 while it was under warranty.......


AND TODAY and why I am :mad:


Called last week to schedule recall work. Had an appt for 11 today. Drove across town to have the recall work done. Arrived and THEY REFUSED to do the work.


What I can't understand is why I never got a phonecall? I never got an email? Surely, somebody could have let me know before I drove across town!


I would agree with you on these points. To your first point, it seems as though almost every large shop has a few of these--cars they just can't get fixed. There's no defense for this. The dealer SHOULD be able to get it right.


And on your other point, it was just rude of them not to have the initiative to have phoned you in advance to tell you of the situation and offer you some alternatives. It was clearly a customer service failure on their part that you left the dealership mad. A sincere apology to you for not calling you, an explanation of why that didn't happen, an offer to work with you on getting the service done (perhaps with a discount if you have to pay and a full reimbursement for you if Saab comes through with warranty money), and a pledge to continue to work with you in the future -- all of this would have helped soften the blow you got with the news of Saab's demise.


If I get poor treatment at a big business like MAG, I make a phone call later to someone in upper management to give them feedback on why I'm unhappy. Sometimes it's really not the fault of the employee I dealt with. If there's a stupid policy, a faulty procedure, is just plain not enough staff to do the job right, I want to let management know that it's costing them in the customer satisfaction department. If, on the other hand, I'm so mad I won't go back, then I don't give them the benefit of the information. As long as it's done in a calm, reasonable way, it's surprising how much can get made right by voicing your frustrations this way.


I suggested this to a friend who was unhappy with MAG, and to her surprise, the problem was completely resolved to her satisfaction and she came away very pleased with the perks they gave her for her trouble.


You don't drive an $80,000 supercar. Your frustrations are laughed at.


I know where you're coming from, but I disagree. The guys at MAG aren't idiots, and they know that VW sales and service contributes more to their bottom line than does high end sales and service. Any smart business is going to pay attention to the bread and butter.


Cry more.


Isn't it a little close to Christmas for you to be acting pissy? A see a lump of coal in your future, Grinch.


Read skinners thread and find out why you could be in much worse a spot with saab ownership.

Lol new saab with no warranty or parts.


Anyone who buys something a bit different, from a relatively low volume brand, runs the risk of being orphaned. But, being orphaned isn't the end of the world.


Now indeed if you were coming from Oxford, I would say that from this day forward since you know this is the car business and have experienced this situation, the illness would be on you to make the call to them for clarification. You owe it to yourself.


Were you thinking of the word onus here? :p

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I called in and talked to them just last week to set up the appt. At the time, I didn't have the foresight to ask "what if SAAB goes bankrupt over the weekend?"


Well then I totally agree with your being pissed off. That is really piss poor customer service.

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I know where you're coming from, but I disagree. The guys at MAG aren't idiots, and they know that VW sales and service contributes more to their bottom line than does high end sales and service. Any smart business is going to pay attention to the bread and butter.

eh, car sales are different than maintenance. I'd rather get the hourly pay for a tuneup on a batmobile than a civic. Maybe I don't know what I'm talking about though, I've never worked in a shop.

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