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I realized I can never live in Columbus again (AZZTOBOGGAN)


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I was in Columbus for the last 2.5 days and it was aggravating from the moment I reached Delaware on US-23. In Michigan everyone drives 7-15 mph over the speed limit. In Columbus everyone drives 5 UNDER. Ugh. Everywhere I went I was stuck behind people holding up traffic. I love the city, but people need to learn how to drive.


As I was leaving for home I was on the 315 N entrance ramp on Bethel Rd and was following someone down the ramp. She would not accelerate to merge, then once able to merge she had a car next to her so she slammed on the brakes and came to a COMPLETE stop on the freeway!


Not to mention when driving in the rain on 270 about half the cars I passed were texting while driving.


I love Columbus as a city, but I don't know how you guys do it. I was ready to shoot people after just 2 days.


Try driving in DFW...you will wish you were back in Columbus.

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