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Black WRX Hatch


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These ?

































They're sorta like this.











But according to others, not as good as this.
















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Dear Asshole in new body WRX hatch on 270 N near Easton this morning:


Quit slamming on your fucking brakes while driving in the fast lane every time you see a Gahanna cop facing the opposite lane or a statey with someone pulled over.


Look at the flip side, where there's one cop, even with someone pulled over, there's a decent chance there's spotter. Especially late at night during the holidays.



Also, don't get pissy when I tailgate you when you move over in front of me as soon as I move in to the next lane to the right when I've had you brake check me twice in five miles because you MIGHT get pulled over for poking along at 70.
problem solved by simply moving over 1 or 2 lanes and passing him, unless you're saying he cock-blocked you. Not cool if so.
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Holy shit, only until the last few posts did this thread baffle me.


We have thread about people sucking at driving, going slow in fast lane, etc.


Op posts up someone is doing just that, turns out to be member, everyone reverses opinion, says go around.


Wrx guy was driving like a douche. Get the fuck out of the fast lane.


And wrx nicer than either of the op vehicles? Faster, sure, nicer? Lol right

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Oh, so YOU'RE the little bitch that was glued to my rear bumper. Please I beg you to throw change at my car, see what happens bro. Sorry you couldn't handle the fact I wasn't driving 95 in front of a cop :asshole:


When did you get a WRX? Must have missed that one. Also the only time one can be forgiven for slowing the left lane down is in the presence of the popo. Though you must immediately do a highway burnout to signal your awareness of the situation. No foul.

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Q42) You are driving on a highway with 4 lanes and you are in the left most lane. No one is next to you but someone follows you closer then necessary. What should you do?


A) Move over a lane to the right.

B) Move over a lane to the right.

C) Move over a lane to the right.

D) Move over a lane to the right.

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Q42) You are driving on a highway with 4 lanes and you are in the left most lane. No one is next to you but someone follows you closer then necessary. What should you do?


A) Move over a lane to the right.

B) Move over a lane to the right.

C) Move over a lane to the right.

D) Move over a lane to the right.


Quoted for truth

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Q42) You are driving on a highway with 4 lanes and you are in the left most lane. No one is next to you but someone follows you closer then necessary. What should you do?


A) Move over a lane to the right.

B) Move over a lane to the right.

C) Move over a lane to the right.

D) Move over a lane to the right.


E) Engage troll mode; turn on right blinker, slam on brakes, turn off right blinker, wait 1.5 seconds, move over to the right just as car behind you does same thing.

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Just so everyone knows, I wasn't tailgating unless he brake checked me upon the appearance of popo (happened twice). I moved to the right lane when I finally got a clearing past the 161 merge and got the old I'ma speed up and cock block your ass. Rode his ass for about 5 seconds and went back to my left lane cruise of 74 mph.
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