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Read any good books lately?


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Rob suggested Fight Club - I second that. In fact, that was the last book I read (before starting World War Z). It's a relatively short read.









































John Tilley face

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All great books. I can't wait for 3rd book in the series to come out this summer.


I have been reading a "post-apocalyptic" series from S.M. Sterling called The Change series. Basically one day, across the word basically all modern advances stop working and the world is thrown back into an age before gun powder again. The 8th book in the series came out this year and the 9th is due out in 2012.


I'll have to check this one out.

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I've only read Choke, what should I go to next?




I just started reading World War Z last night. So far, I'm very much enjoying it - it's definitely living up to the hype.


VERY good (so far :) )


I actually really liked Blood Meridian, but Cormac Mccarthy's writing style is almost infuriating to me, despite the prose.


Blood meridian might be the best book I've ever read. If you can make it through the first 70-80 pages, it's awesome. Tough read up to that point.

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Have you read the books of "A Song of Ice and Fire" series by George R.R. Martin?


The first book is "A Game of Thrones." They are awesome.



Very addictive series if you have the time for it. Each book is longer than the entire hunger game series. I would classify it more as fantasy than sci-fi.



-The Road.... They made it into a movie with Vigo Mortinson

-Solipsist by Heny Rollins


The book for The Road is infinitely better than the movie. Though it is a bit depressing, I really enjoyed and it should match up with your genre better.


I have been reading a "post-apocalyptic" series from S.M. Sterling called The Change series. Basically one day, across the word basically all modern advances stop working and the world is thrown back into an age before gun powder again. The 8th book in the series came out this year and the 9th is due out in 2012.


Almost all of S.M. Stirling's recent series are really good. The three books in the Change series or Emberverse I are right up your alley.



I think you'd like this:




River Of Gods



I'll be on the lookout for adding this to my library now.

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