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What website for car specs?


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What website(s) do you use to gather vehicle specs for older vehicles (early 2000's)? I'm trying to find a site that will tell me average mpg, whether it's fwd/rwd/awd, power, braking, handling, all that fun stuff. It seems I'm only getting bits and pieces from each site I look at. I know there has to be a great site for this, and I'm sure I've used it before, but I'm having a major brain-fart today and can't think.
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Edmonds is normally good, but the older the vehicle, the less likey that you will find the info you are looking for. Wikipedia normally is good too, but also can sometimes be very general.


Another throught would be if you can find the make/model specific forum.

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What website(s) do you use to gather vehicle specs for older vehicles (early 2000's)? I'm trying to find a site that will tell me average mpg, whether it's fwd/rwd/awd, power...


Edmunds for rated numbers. http://www.fueleconomy.gov can be good for real world MPG.


...braking, handling, all that fun stuff.


Really the only 2 places that I know of that have test where they are concerned about repeatability, therefore you can actually compare numbers from car a to car b are Car & Driver and Consumer Reports. So you can dig around on C&D's website, or use Google to dig around on their website. Or the easiest way is to just subscribe to CR.

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