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So my Wife is supposed to be induced Sunday...


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too bad they wouldn't let me takes pics.


I got the entire birth of my daughter on video. Pretty graphic in places too. I had our video camera off on the window and totally forgot it was on as she was born very quickly and there were lots of people flying around. FUnny thing is I had no idea as the tape ran to the end and shut the camera off so I wasn't aware until a few days later. :lolguy:

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Congrats! My wife and I made sure that each of us had at least 6-8 hours of uninterrupted sleep every day. While she rested over the first two weeks I did most of the work but after that it evened out. I also got to see my wife's guts during her c sections.. too bad they wouldn't let me takes pics.


She will be feeding the old fashioned way so there is just some work I am not going to be able to do.

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In for pics :masturboy:


Strictly for professional review of exposure and composition.


And also for ensuring proper nipple placement to help facilitate the transfer of mammary milk to the newborn's mouth and correct support of the newborn's body.


After all, it's your first kid...

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Since I'm not a parent or even around newborns that often.


Why? Is it the bonding experience?

Oddly, yes.


Pooping in babies and infants is a sign of good health, btw, as a the child grows you start to realize that the amount your child poops is an indication of their well being, it indicates dehydration, not enough veggies, infections.. (really this is also valid for adults, but we know when we arent taking care of ourselves, babies, toddlers dont)

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Oddly, yes.


Pooping in babies and infants is a sign of good health, btw, as a the child grows you start to realize that the amount your child poops is an indication of their well being, it indicates dehydration, not enough veggies, infections.. (really this is also valid for adults, but we know when we arent taking care of ourselves, babies, toddlers dont)

Plus the first one is nasty. It's like black tar stuck all over thier butt.

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He is breast feeding so they are all black tar. I guess its the calostrom or however you spell it that makes it that way.


Turns to runny, yellow, creamed-corn soon enough. :)


3 months into our 3rd breast-fed kid now.


Oh, and for the earlier comment about changing the first diaper... ha, that's what I am paying the asinine bills for. A nurse can handle that shit. I'll have PLENTY of chances. :)

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Turns to runny, yellow, creamed-corn soon enough. :)


3 months into our 3rd breast-fed kid now.


Oh, and for the earlier comment about changing the first diaper... ha, that's what I am paying the asinine bills for. A nurse can handle that shit. I'll have PLENTY of chances. :)


yup, mustard colored with "seeds" (fat globules)

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Oh, and for the earlier comment about changing the first diaper... ha, that's what I am paying the asinine bills for. A nurse can handle that shit. I'll have PLENTY of chances. :)


Yeah that's how i am looking at it ha ha.

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