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Jan Pictures?


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Havent seen any picture threads in awhile..


Messing around today, I got a picture of our young boxer. Shes now 12 weeks old and 13 pounds..


Tried to adjust the picture some, mainly to make it strait.



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Thanks Tim. Anyone else have pictures this year??



I've not done much in the way of personal photos or even leisure for my own enjoyment. Mainly just processing for clients.


Enjoyment wise, I've been using the hell out of my video camera so that I can build my skills there. Toughest part is building up the story using only one camera/angle at a time. For example, my kids ice skating will take 2-3 visits to capture the non kid footage I'm looking to build into it.

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Our dogs might be related. Bear has one blue eye and one brown.





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Here are a few that I took last January.


1/250 f16 ISO400 @105mm (Macro)



1/640 f11 ISO400 @105mm (Macro)



1/60 f11 ISO280 @105mm (Macro)


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A couple I took today of my pup being funny..






Edited this one, Newbie at editing. Removed a couple things from the picture..



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