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Xbox RRod x3, any reason to get another one?


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So a few yrs ago my Xbox 360 rrod'd (MS replaced it under warranty), fast forward to this last weekend it RROD'd again. I performed the 'fix' where you take the heatsinks off, clean and apply new paste. Worked for about an hour of combined use I was feeling pretty good. Then it RROD'd again.


My options are:

- try to fix this myself again.

- pay someone to fix this.

- get a new xbox slim 4GB and try to figure out how to upgrade the HD ($199)

- get a new xbox slip 250GB $299

- get a PS3 160 GB for $250



The main thing keeping me with the xbox is a BUNCH of you guys are on it, and I have my games, which aren't a big deal I only really play 2, MW3 and just picked up BF3. Another thing to consider is my xbox live is about to expire next month so there goes another $50 to spend.


Also the PS3 has blu-ray, and I don't have a blu ray play because i've been waiting for the next gen xbox.



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The new 360's that they're selling now (4gb system for $199), have the new software/hardware and are much less prone to have problems. FWIW.



*EDIT* Oh, and for the price of that new 360 system, and the fact that Blu-ray players are really cheap now, it'd be more worth it to do the 360/Blu-ray player than to get a PS3. Plus....it's a 360. :)


But yes, if you get the PS3, you'll have one less 'thing' on your entertainment center...

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You have 2 options here. Get a slim, or fix your rrod the right way. New thermal paste alone does nothing, to fix it right you would need to get rid of the x clamps and replace with screws and washers, new thermal paste, and reflow the board around the CPU and gpu. There's guides all over the Internet on how to do it, but honestly if it's in your budget get a slim. Better hardware, built in wifi, etc.
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You have 2 options here. Get a slim, or fix your rrod the right way. New thermal paste alone does nothing, to fix it right you would need to get rid of the x clamps and replace with screws and washers, new thermal paste, and reflow the board around the CPU and gpu. There's guides all over the Internet on how to do it, but honestly if it's in your budget get a slim. Better hardware, built in wifi, etc.


I got rid of the x-clamps, did the new paste and washers. What is reflowing the boad? was that where you let it overheat to set the paste or something? did that too.

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I got rid of the x-clamps, did the new paste and washers. What is reflowing the boad? was that where you let it overheat to set the paste or something? did that too.


Yes, mask off areas you don't want to reflow, heat the target areas with a heat gun.

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