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Veggie Gardening 2012


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I know.. we are still hoping for snow.. but its also time to start planning the garden beds as well.

FYI Ohio is now a Zone 6 State according to the USDA website

(i believe columbus was considered zone 5b prior to this)



I have my mini greenhouse in a new location inside this year, hopefully my starters will do better indoors this year. I wont have to resort to buying starters.


on the docket this year..


Peppers, LOTS more peppers.

6-8 Bell Peppers

8 Jalapenos

4 habaneros (new to met this year)

Maybe a few other experimentals..


Herb Garden

3 Different types of Basil

2 Greek and Italian oregeno

1 Rosemary

1 Chocolate Mint

1 Parsely

3 Sage

2 Rosemary

2 Cilantro




Early Girl









String Beans

Snap Peas



I have pumpkin seeds down from rotten pumpkins from halloween this year (some are sugar, some are bigger pumpkins) but I am having some stink bug issues, so im sure ill never see those come to fruition.. :(


I also have some strawberry's that i planted last year that should be coming up this spring/summer


I also have rhubarb that SHOULD be good to use this year.. (i think its 2 years and its safe to eat, yah?) All i can envision is strawberry rhubarb pie, and jam.. YUM.


We have also added 3 blueberry bushes to our yard THis was my gift from my husband. He said if i did two full years of successful gardening, i could get these. I cant tell you how excited i am about these. Thank you Indiana Berry Farm!



I missed out on planting my garlic, but will have a full bed of it next fall again. I have loved having it all winter this year and it smells so good.


I could really use some insight on building garden boxes. Ours are so horribly built (we arent exactly builders at my house) I need at least 1-2 more beds built.


Also does anyone else listen to "In the Garden" with Ron Wilson on 610AM on saturday mornings? I love that guy!

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I need to get something up and going this year. I have a great back yard and awesome soil to grow stuff in. Just need to not be lazy about it. 2 years ago I put in 2 Jalapeno plants in and got massive amounts of peppers.


I need to branch out and do some other stuff. Like you said above. Carrots and other things.


I tried a few rows of corn a few years back just for the hell of it. We had a bad wind storm and it knocked all of them over. I propped them back up and never fully developed.


Are you planting from seeds or do you buy the stuff pre-grown?

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I am going to give gardening a try this year here in TX. Just got a lot of my seeds. THe list includes but is not limited to:


Bhut Jolokia Pepper (Ghost pepper)

Georgia Flame Hot Pepper

Marbles Hot Pepper

Black Krim Heirloom Tomato

Snow White Cherry Tomato

Homesweet Tomato

Black Cherry Tomato

Green Zebra Tomato

Goliath Tomato

Sweet Red Grape Tomato (F-1 Hybrid)

Fuzzy Peach Tomato

Cinnamon Basil

Dark Opal Basil





Thai Basil



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Not sure what we will do this year. Probably moving right in the middle of the growing season. So if we plant at our current place we won't reap any of our crop and it will be too late to plant at our new place.


Maybe we will just go help out my parents and plant some extras.

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  • 1 month later...

Tomato, cayenne, bell peppers, blackbean (bush), spinach and romain seeds all in my mini green house.


I have two 5600kelvin cfls in there on them. (5500 is simulated daylight)


Walmart has these for pretty cheap.


Radish and peas going in the ground this weekend.

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Does anybody have tips for me on the ghost peppers or heirloom tomatoes? I have grown herbs before but this is my first shot at heirloom tomatoes and ghost peppers. I really want these sprouts to make it and produce a lot of fruit/peppers...
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  • 5 weeks later...

I am probably too late to the party but I just ordered some seeds last night from burpee.




Been years since I did anything with a garden so It's going to be a ton of trial and error. Still need to get the land tilled and get some stakes/cages.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Got these made and everything planted over the weekend. Lots of heirloom tomatoes and marbles and georgia flame hot peppers









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My stuff is going in thi sweek (or if i get the full motivation, today!)


the later you put it in, the later you will get a crop. The first time i did tomatos. .i think it was late june when i but a 3-4 month old plant and put it in the ground.. we only had like 4 tomoatos that first yera, but god they were the best tomatos i had ever tasted!


Last years rainy spring competley ruined me having a garden except for peas, at all.. oh and jalapenos.


Peppers like a soil temp of AT LEAST 50-60° so i wait till its consistantly warm.. (which it has been all spring/winter) Peppers probably could have even gone in as recent as almost a onth ago, but the few frostyish mornigs we had might have done some minor damage.. but i think surivived.

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rain has been hurting me badly. Rained right after we started tilling. then the tiller messed up so I'm stuck with a swampy mess but I'll work it as best I can.


Some of the leaves on a few of the watermelons are cracking, and look like something is eating off of them. I'm guessing ants.








Same with the pineberry



Few of the blackberry plants. These are rough and I pruned them a little bit. since then they've been flowering



These zucchini and cucumbers need out badly



Two cherry punch plants



Two more



My poor corn, and you can see the horrible till job. The rain sure as hell didn't help. Fuck it, once the weather clears it'll be okay I think





More tomatoes that need to go out



Thought I took pics of every thing else too but I guess I didn't

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Tomatos Growers!1

Just a few hints to REALLY get a winning crop. Tomatos can be tricky or simple.. I have had no REAL issues with them, but just a few times.



  • Water at the BASE of the plant.-- damp leaves and poor circulation can cause fungus
  • Plant MARIGOLDS with your tomatos-- Aphids (a common bug issues) dont like marigolds and avoid areas of them.
  • Peppers, and Tomatos are BEST OF FRIENDS.. Plant together.. (Carrots do well also, as tomatos root system breaks up the soil, and carrots like loose soil)
  • Tomatos should be rotated to a new spot every year in a 3 year cycle. (i have 3 boxes that i rotate them between). They are HORRIBLY prone to disease, and planting in the same area twice makes the disesae more likely to get your plants.
  • They LOVE SUN. The south East side of your house is ideal! They LOVE HEAT as well, but still need watered weekly..
  • Dont over water, or you will get split tomatos.



Also, Keep in mind for large crops that FOOD PANTRYs can use your crops to help families in the area!

Check out Ample Harvest to find pantries near you to donate to (Tax benefit here too!)


Companion Planting is an EXCELLENT way to get the most out of your garden, and dont forget to ROTATE yoru crops year to year for better plant nutrition usage

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My garden is prettty static each year:


6 - 8 Regular tomato plants (Typically 6 Hybrids and 2 Cherry / grapes)

Two rows of Potatos (Kenebecs)




Green & Jalapenos


Beans (Bush style - Blue lakes)


Trish - Have been having issues with the tomatos over the past couple years and am picking up a load of ground up horse crap for this weekend. Will also try some marigolds too (Thanks)

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