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Kids and tattoos


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It seems like lately I have seen alot of my sons friends with tattoos. Not just a little one either I am talking full back and sleeves or even entire chest. I know my son wont just go get one but he has spoke about his interest in his last name across the back. I told him once hes 18(18 months from now) to tat it up all he wants.


Whats everyones opinion on teen tats? I say get whatever tat you want as long as your prepared to live with any regrets and hinderences they may create for you as long as your 18. But there is a small part of me that wouldnt necessarily care if he had one now that wasnt visible all the time and wasnt something I know he would hate later. I doubt he would regret his name completely but theres always that chance. I dont know why it wouldnt bother me as I am much more reserved than this.


For the record I have yet to get a tattoo because I cannot find anything I dont think I would regret or fear it would come out looking odd.

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Tattoo's are a life story. I never got any until I was 35 and from there I had several done. I know who I am and should I be judged for my ink, it's their lose. What you choose to have put on you has to means something to you though. You have to feel with it and be able to relate. Travis Barker decided by the time he was 19, he would be tatt'd up to his neck. And he was. He did this to ensure he would have to focus on music as a way of life, because he was sure no other fields would except him after all the ink work. Luck for him, he doesn't suck at what he does. But for me, you have to be tasteful. The tattoo's are mine. What I have, I'm not trying to show them or get attention for them(except for my camel toe, that's just funny every time). And it seems today, most people are getting them to be trendy. It's great that they are more openly accepted. But to me, there is still a fine line between expressing yourself and class. It's really just perception. My $.02.
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a tattoo shop in delaware is getting shutdown in a lot of trouble because they were giving minors tattoos and piercings. My younger sister was a victim, she's 12 and got a tongue piercing along with her 12 year old friend.


victim? lol

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I just think that at 16 hell even 18 your not wise enough to know what you want and like you said I think he would just like the attention. I am sure his friends get attention for theirs from their classmates.


The people I know who got tattoos as teenagers have regretted it later on in life. Especially the ones in the professional white-collar world.

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The people I know who got tattoos as teenagers have regretted it later on in life. Especially the ones in the professional white-collar world.

Yeah, me too. This is mostly why I don't have any.


My wife got a fairly large tattoo on her back when she was around 20 and made the decision to become a firefighter and EMT (it's a large star of life with flames around it). Years later she regrets both the size and theme. She's now an RN, so she may have it redone to reflect the change in directions, but it's too big to simply cover up.

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I'd say that if you want a tattoo, then wait a full year before doing anything. If you still want the tattoo, get it. If you want something else, then wait another year and decide if you still want that one, and so on and so forth.


As for kids and tattoos, no. If my kids ever want tattoos, I'll tell them they can wait until they're legally permitted to do so, and even then I'll encourage them to use my "wait a year and then decide" rule.

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I hate tattoos. There are some good ones out there but 98% are fucking horrible ideas and horribly executed.




I'll never have a tattoo, shit looks horrible. Except the camel toes, those are funny


any kids I may have won't be allowed to have one until they are legal adults. Piercings aren't such a big deal, those go away easily.

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a tattoo shop in delaware is getting shutdown / in a lot of trouble because they were giving minors tattoos and piercings. My younger sister was a victim, she's 12 and got a tongue piercing along with her 12 year old friend.


Thats shop was shitty to begin with none of the artists knew what they where doing. They could not line or or color worth a shit my wife got a tat from there in December and all the lines are blown out color faded there excuse was all tattoos need touched up funny thing is none of mine have been touched up and look just like they did when i got them.


Moral of the story is research shops and find a good one

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What shop in Delaware? I know a chick who owns a parlor up there..


It was a guy that owned it, not a girl. I don't know his name or anything I just know the shop is getting shutdown. IMO well deserved, they were giving tattoo's to kids that weren't even teenagers and piercings.

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Yes, victim. Here is the definition for you derp.


Victim - A person who suffers destructive or injurious action or agency.


That pertains to someone that had no choice, aka assault. Not some chick getting her shit pierced at 12 because she isnt smart enough to wait until she is 18.

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That pertains to someone that had no choice, aka assault. Not some chick getting her shit pierced at 12 because she isnt smart enough to wait until she is 18.


However, technically, she did not have a "choice," insofar as she was a minor and therefore cannot, by definition, give legal consent. She can give her assent, but consent for the procedure would have to come from her legal guardian(s).


I know, we're now talking semantics (no pun intended) and this is mostly an exercise in academia.

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I'd say that if you want a tattoo, then wait a full year before doing anything. If you still want the tattoo, get it. If you want something else, then wait another year and decide if you still want that one, and so on and so forth.


As for kids and tattoos, no. If my kids ever want tattoos, I'll tell them they can wait until they're legally permitted to do so, and even then I'll encourage them to use my "wait a year and then decide" rule.


this is what i did with my first and what i continue to do.

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However, technically, she did not have a "choice," insofar as she was a minor and therefore cannot, by definition, give legal consent. She can give her assent, but consent for the procedure would have to come from her legal guardian(s).


I know, we're now talking semantics (no pun intended) and this is mostly an exercise in academia.


Thank you :megusta:

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