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2012 Road Cycling thread


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went out today with a bunch of people from westerville bike club. decided to ride with the "B" group (15-20mph group), figuring i'd eventually get dropped to the slower B's. NO! was able to keep with the fast B's, fairly well. i ended up completely SMASHING my old average riding speed by over 1 full mph.


the link below shows 18.77mph average, but that included a couple stops for lights and such. i usually use my MMR app to get accurate distance via GPS (to the 1/100 of a mile, cyclometer only goes by 1/10), but since that runs even when stopped, i use my cyclometer on my bike for ride time, as it only runs when the wheel is moving. my previous best average ride time was my ride a couple weeks ago that fucked me up, and that was like 18.15 average moving. tonights ride was avergae moving speed 19.26! im thrilled with that for a ~33mi ride. the grin on my face when i saw that on my cyclometer said 19.2 was EAR TO EAR. feels amazing. for the last 10-12 miles we were hammering out 22-24mph non-stop.



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  • 3 weeks later...
A bicycler got hurt on mink road yesterday, dunno if they got hit or what. I drove past an ambulance and about 4 sheriff cars. Remember, cars going 60 through hills and turns aren't going to see you until its too late, so don't be that guy I see all the time riding in the middle of the road. Stay right or better yet find roads that are actually wide enough to have a shoulder. Mink is deteriorating to the point that there are a lot of places where I'm driving across the center line so I'm not bending my wheels in the craters
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I got passed by so few cars yesterday it was nuts. And most of the roads are 45 limit, doing 15-20 on my bike in a stupid loud yellow/green jersey, they see me well ahead of time. Youd have to be going so fast to come around a bend and not have seen a bike before starting your turn, id be more worried about you flipping your car turning that fast. Its really not hard to spot cyclist if youre watching the road and not on your phone or messing with your radio. I drive when bikes are out too, and never once has one popped up i didnt already see with plenty of time to react/adjust
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A bicycler got hurt on mink road yesterday, dunno if they got hit or what. I drove past an ambulance and about 4 sheriff cars. Remember, cars going 60 through hills and turns aren't going to see you until its too late, so don't be that guy I see all the time riding in the middle of the road. Stay right or better yet find roads that are actually wide enough to have a shoulder. Mink is deteriorating to the point that there are a lot of places where I'm driving across the center line so I'm not bending my wheels in the craters


Perfectly logical advice, smart, not incendiary, a fair warning that conditions are not safe.




People will flame you for that.

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I got passed by so few cars yesterday it was nuts. And most of the roads are 45 limit, doing 15-20 on my bike in a stupid loud yellow/green jersey, they see me well ahead of time. Youd have to be going so fast to come around a bend and not have seen a bike before starting your turn, id be more worried about you flipping your car turning that fast. Its really not hard to spot cyclist if youre watching the road and not on your phone or messing with your radio. I drive when bikes are out too, and never once has one popped up i didnt already see with plenty of time to react/adjust


The 5 mile section of Mink that I drive daily has two different cross roads that are blind in one direction, one from a turn and lots of trees and the other from a hill. The bicyclist that I saw hurt was at one of those two intersections. It's very common for me to have to hit the brakes because someone in a car pulled out in front of me, because they couldn't see me coming. A car can at least pull away at a reasonable amount of speed, decreasing the chances of a collision. A bicycle is relatively slow and the rider isn't watching their 6 to know to get out of the way, which greatly increases their chance of getting hit. You may wear hi-vis gear but only MAYBE a quarter of the cyclists I see out there do. But even that doesn't matter when I go around a turn then pop over a hill only to encounter a flock of 20+ bikes all over the road and have to slam on the brakes so I don't go bowling. It's happened plenty of times to me.

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Arguing about who's fault the accident was/will be won't put the blood back into your lifeless husk.

I ride like I drive; under the assumption that no one else knows what the fuck they are doing.


Anyone doing the TOSRV this weekend?


look at the TOSRV thread brotato

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I rode to prospect last saturday. Average speed was 15mph but I'm pretty happy with that for only riding for a couple months and this being the longest ride I've done so far.


I forgot to resume MMR when we left the halfway point so it didn't record the first couple of miles on the return.



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I rode to prospect last saturday. Average speed was 15mph but I'm pretty happy with that for only riding for a couple months and this being the longest ride I've done so far.


I forgot to resume MMR when we left the halfway point so it didn't record the first couple of miles on the return.




decent ride. what sucks though, is MMR is HORRIBLE for elevation...that first uphill looks pretty decent... i mapped one sunday, and MMR read it at like 800'...the garmin route i got it from said it was about 1820', and ridewithgps i mapped it with (with a mile or 2 difference in ending route due to a missed turn, so not the EXACT route) came up to 1970'. ill take a discrepancy of 8-10% any day over a 225% difference. im ditching MMR once i can get a couple other things figured out with RWGPS. i'll use MMR to map the rides and pull the .GPX file, but it'll be going to RWGPS to share it.

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and here's tonight's ride. was doing just fine until a half dozen guys in the "B" group decided they were gonna start doing "A" riding at about mile 25 and cranking out 25-26mph...i got a shitty cramp in my calf and got dropped. ended up joining up with 2 other guys who were dropped and finished the route with them. about 2:09:xx for the ride...id have to check my cyclometer for more accurate ride time.



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I've noticed that the variance on MMR is terrible most of the time. On the prospect ride, I compared it to a couple of other people I was with (one had a cat eye and the other using the iPhone kit) and at the halfway point we only had a few tenths of a mile variance. On the Olentangy route that I do on lunch with the same guy using the iPhone, we've had over a mile variance and our average speed almost a 2mph difference comparing MMR to his iPhone.
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Im speaking more of the elevation difference...on that, id make sure youre all starting at the same time if comparing...but on a recent 34mi ride, my gps and cyclometer were within 1/10 of each other, and my buddies cateye cyclometer was off by about 1/2 mi
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get some! 104.49mi, 5:20:49 (ride time), closer to 7 hours with 3 stops, 19.5mph average. getting that average speed up, although i know a lot of it is riding in pace lines, i got to jump out front a few times and held my own pretty well. awesome riding with groups of 30-70 people at a time, made the miles go by much quicker. weather was amazing today. amazingly, i'm feeling much better than i expected. got a ride for work tomorrow trying to get people out to start training for pelotonia, should be a ~35 mile ride if i ride to/from the start spot. i think i'll be ok.

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Picked up a cateye computer today. It's the digital double wireless model so even if it's not that great it will still be much better than just running MMR like I have been.
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Today, I finally broke 1,000 miles for this year. Would have done it yesterday on the Genoa twp. ride (40 mi), but at mile 8, my crank arm FELL OFF. yeah, that was embarassing as fuck. luckily, my buddies wife who works for trek and was running the sag wagon was no lie, 1/2 mile back from us and was right there...couldnt fix it roadside, so my ride was cut short. was such bullshit. but bicycle one is taking care of me and getting the crank warrantied through cannondale.


http://ridewithgps.com/trips/647019 - westerville ride 5/15, a couple small inclines, nothing difficult.


http://ridewithgps.com/trips/648660 - Ride of Silence downtown 5/16. slow paced ride to remember riders injured/killed by cars...i think i saw they had 700 people participate. was pretty cool.


http://ridewithgps.com/trips/650760 - 5/17 thursday night new albany COP ride. decent pace for a B group. got dropped but regrouped with another 5 or so riders to do the ride at a hair slower pace. still had a good average of 18.9 by the time we got back to the school parking lot.


http://ridewithgps.com/trips/653695 - 5/19 genoa twp ride where my f'in crank fell off. lame.


http://ridewithgps.com/trips/656912 - 5/20 canal route. 3 really good hills, last time 2 broke me where i had to stop to catch my breath, today i made it up all 3 without stopping. it was slow, but i was happy to make it up all of them. god they hurt.

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This was my Saturday morning ride to Prospect from Powell. I started MMR a little late but most people had about 42 miles total on their cycle computers. My cateye computer wasn't picking up the speed due to having a Bontrager magnet that must not be strong enough so I'll have to put the one that came with the cateye back on.



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  • 2 weeks later...

action packed day today.


i went to the Trek demo day today with a friend, and his wife was one of the Trek employees putting on the event...


it started as a 25 mile pelotonia training ride for people from work, so we knew it would be slow, but we just wanted to get people out...did a windy 25 miles, at like 12.4mph...LOL.


when we got back, i got a chance to hop on a 5.9 Madone w/ Ultegra Di2 and take it out for a few miles. we would have gone further, but we wanted to try some of the mountain bikes, and he saw the one he wanted coming in as we were leaving, so we cut it short to get back and get some decent bikes.


All i can say about the Di2 is "wow". so smooth, fast, effortless. even in 5 miles, i knew i needed to get back to get off that bike or i was gonna fuck around and spend A LOT of money.


we then ended up getting a couple Superfly 100 elites and did phase 2 at alum. i've never mountain biked before, but according to my buddy who does quite a bit, he said i did fairly well. quite a few times i had to hold up and wait for him. lol. i think moving time for P2 was around 46 min, and that was from the lot. it was definitely a fun time. would i buy a mountain bike this year? probably not, but if someone had a bike i could borrow and invited me out, i'd definitely take them up on the offer.


todays rides -


training ride - http://ridewithgps.com/trips/687463


di2 ride - http://ridewithgps.com/users/84159/activities


phase 2 mountain biking - http://ridewithgps.com/users/84159/activities


other rides over the last week or so...


westerville bike club wednesday night ride - http://ridewithgps.com/trips/663904


casual ride with a friend - http://ridewithgps.com/users/84159/activities


memorial day ride. stupid hot, few hills, about 7 people in our group - http://ridewithgps.com/users/84159/activities


easy ride for my legs to recover from ^^ http://ridewithgps.com/users/84159/activities


westerville bike club WNR - http://ridewithgps.com/trips/681238

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Di2 is sweet. Got to spend ~100 miles on it a few weeks ago. Today I finished the Mohican 100k in 7:14. Crazy long day, ~11,000 ft of climbing. I felt really good and could not have asked for better weather.
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i heard them talking about that ride...fuck that. LOL. the di2 was awesome. i think this winter i may try to pick up a cannondale supersix ultegra di2. they have it MSRP at 5k... :eek: i just know with the seriousness i've gotten into riding this year, im already ready to get out of my CAAD8 w/ tiagra components. i should've went at least 105 this year, but i fucked up. lol
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