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Dead Body Hanging


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It's just a body. Unless I knew and liked the person it wouldn't affect me hardly at all. I wouldn't even call off work unless it was leaning on my car and the cops needed fingerprints or something off it.


They were there mOst of this mornIng. I'll swing by on my way back from my late lunch.

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It's just a body. Unless I knew and liked the person it wouldn't affect me hardly at all. I wouldn't even call off work unless it was leaning on my car and the cops needed fingerprints or something off it.


Cop #1: Well, looks like we've got a dead body.


Cop #2: Yup, sure looks that way. He's just hanging there by his next. Pretty dead.


Cop #1: We should probably go ahead and dust that f-body he's leaning on for fingerprints.


Cop #2: Why?


Cop #1: Because we'll need to solve the mystery of this suicide. Not sure how else we'll be able to crack this case. A mystery, I tell you - a real head-scratcher. Need all the help we can get on this one.


Cop #2: :dumb:

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I knew CR could sway Tim to get pics.


How was that late lunch?



I failed. Nothing to see other than an empty car port.




We ended up going to blackwing and fired off several hundred rounds using my brother in laws Beretta. 5lb pull and it was nice. I want one now.

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I failed. Nothing to see other than an empty car port.




We ended up going to blackwing and fired off several hundred rounds using my brother in laws Beretta. 5lb pull and it was nice. I want one now.


i had a smith take my M&P down to 4.25#. LOVE it.

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Couple years back two of my friends walked up to the park at davis middle school (Discovery is what its called i think?) off of hard road and there was a hanging body there from a guy that had just hung himself.


yep. my kids attend there. we go to that park all the time. myself and others in the community are the ones who built it.

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It's just a body. Unless I knew and liked the person it wouldn't affect me hardly at all. I wouldn't even call off work unless it was leaning on my car and the cops needed fingerprints or something off it.


Yeah, I would be like, "Shit, that sucks." Then, move on. It's not so much I'm heartless, you just can't let yourself be affected by every damn thing that happens in this world or you'll lose your f'n mind. Some of us have been through and/or have seen some crazy shit in their lives and for many, part of learning to deal with things is to become 'inpenetrable', so to speak.

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