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Guy at work had lasik done.. recorded it.


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Yeah, fuck that. Glad i have good eyes.


That will change in your late 30's and be noticeable by your early 40's. presbyopia is in your future. Bucks friend will need readers eventually too. It usually buys you 5yrs give or take a few. Depending on the surgery and it's success, he may need night driving glasses too. Come see me when you do.

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That will change in your late 30's and be noticeable by your early 40's. presbyopia is in your future. Bucks friend will need readers eventually too. It usually buys you 5yrs give or take a few. Depending on the surgery and it's success, he may need night driving glasses too. Come see me when you do.


I'm perfectly happy with contacts. He couldn't get contacts because the way his eye is/was/whatever shaped. He was pretty blind before (couldn't see 2 feet in front of him).

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I want to get this done, but my eyes are still getting worse and that is scary shit.


-5.5 in both eyes with astigmatism in my right.


If you do have this done, check out Clear Choice, Dr. Wiley. I had my vision done before entering the service and it has been the best decision I have ever made. They are also very military friendly, which sealed the deal.

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Had it done 5 years ago and havent had a single issue. The actual surgery took 5:30 and the entire process about 20. It was quick, fast and painless.


How the hell did you get over them cutting your Cornea?

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How the hell did you get over them cutting your Cornea?


I justed didnt worry about it I guess. When I walked in there were 3 people in front of me and when they all walked out smiling I figured I was fine. It was like an assembly line because when I was done there were three more people waiting to get it done.

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No dry eyes, bad night vision, any of that? That's what I hear the biggest issues are.


Night vision doesnt seem to be an issue. I have always had dry eyes so it never bothers me. I used the drops religiously after I was done and that helped me when my eyes itched.

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How the hell did you get over them cutting your Cornea?


it's not a big deal. you don't feel it.


No dry eyes, bad night vision, any of that? That's what I hear the biggest issues are.


Dry eyes after is common. Night vision issues can be screened for your refractive error ahead of time and a more advanced procedure done if the risks are high. Still no guarantee but risks go down to where it's worth it for most people. If it's an enlarged pupil issue, then you can use drops.


Like I said, you can always were night driving glasses if needed. You'd be surprised how many people wearing glasses have halos, stars and other issues because they either buy cheap AR coatings or skip them all together. Blows me away.

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Nope...no way. I couldn't even watch the whole video. Everyone in my family is nearly blind. I have a DOT physical done every 2 years and so far my vision is still 20/15 and has been for the last 10 years. I can understand why people get this procedure done but that video was freaky.
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That will change in your late 30's and be noticeable by your early 40's. presbyopia is in your future. Bucks friend will need readers eventually too. It usually buys you 5yrs give or take a few. Depending on the surgery and it's success, he may need night driving glasses too. Come see me when you do.


I used to be 20/10 in both eyes. I am not 20/10, and 2015 in my right. Am I :fucked" too?

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i had it done in 9 years ago. went from astigmatism in both eyes and 20/200 to no astigmatism in either eye and 20/15 vision. best thing i've ever done.

My brother was the same way. He wore coke bottle glasses ever since 1st grade. He was border line legally blind (from what I'm told). Now he's 20/20 and I have to wear glasses.

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I used to be 20/10 in both eyes. I am not 20/10, and 2015 in my right. Am I :fucked" too?


Not sure what you mean by fucked. Your distance will likely be fine but eventually you'll wear readers. I was still 20/15 in both eyes at age 30. Now at 42 my distance still remains perfect with only a +1.00 and +1.50 in my left / right respectively. However, to put it in perspective, all I have to do to not wear them is move from a reading distance test distance of 14" to about 20-22". I have some arm length left :)


My brother was the same way. He wore coke bottle glasses ever since 1st grade. He was border line legally blind (from what I'm told). Now he's 20/20 and I have to wear glasses.


I -7.00 or better Rx's all the time. Legally blind is defined as having visual acuity of 20/200 or less in the better eye with best correction possible.


Last year in our mobile clinic I saw a low income family where the 9yr old had never worn glasses. He functioned fine as kids are amazingly resilient but of course failed in school because he couldn't read/see. His Rx was a -17.00 with a +3.00 add. I'll admit I teared up fast when he put his new glasses on and saw his father for the first time. Everyone in the room cried.

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My brother was the same way. He wore coke bottle glasses ever since 1st grade. He was border line legally blind (from what I'm told). Now he's 20/20 and I have to wear glasses.


Had to be worse than mine since mine were normal thickness.

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