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Dodge and Chevy out of NASCAR, Obama orders


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I dont see what your talking about.

here flounder:

second to last paragraph of the article to through to the end--

NASCAR officials remain tight-lipped about the call, but sources say series president Mike Helton and team managers are exploring several options, including other manufacturers to fill Chevrolet and Dodge’s vacated positions. Given the company’s recent interest in motorsport and the steady cash-flow and V-8 engine provided by its new Genesis sedan, sources indicate that NASCAR is pinging Hyundai to gauge the Korean company’s interest in occupying a spot in NASCAR. “Toyota was not well-received their first year in the sport, nor was their first season an easy one,” the source says. “But they learned, they applied the lessons, and they have proven very competitive this year.”

If Hyundai does indeed join the series, there will no doubt be a steep learning curve, and the move would leave Ford the lone domestic battling a pair of Asian makes in America’s most popular racing series. We wonder, however, how long NASCAR could hold that title without two of its most storied participants.

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ever see how much they advertise their vehicles during those 4 hrs...i know the cars are owned by the teams, but you dont think ford chevy toyota and dodge are paying something? i have been wrong before :confused:

yeah they are paying a lot, and its not for the cars.

at every freakin track there are chevy/ford advertisements, chevy tents, ford demos etc etc etc. they have naming rights to races too... 'chevy rock n roll 400" or whatever it was at charolotte, or the "ford 400" at homestead.

add in, like you said, TV spots during the race etc etc. all that shit adds up.

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All April Fool's jokes aside.. I can't believe some of you even talk of supporting a move like this. Why aren't you stark raving mad that GM and Chrysler got bailout money to begin with?

cause the vast majority of american cars are just fucking baller, that's why!

have you driven a dodge stratus?! ABSOLUTE delight!

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April Fools Joke not-so-funny to rednecks...

Car And Driver Prank Awakens NASCAR To Real World



Remember CarandDriver's April Fools' prank? The one that made the magazine relevant for the first time in years? It's caused NASCAR to set down the Natty Light and consider a future without not-so-Big Three sponsorship. While manufacturer sponsorship doesn't provide the majority of NASCAR's funding - that honor goes to mainstream sponsors like Mello Yello — it is a key part of the race series' equation. Manufacturers like GM and Chrysler provide funding for racetracks, key engineering know-how and parts. There's also the historic connection between NASCAR and the manufacturers; 17 cars wear Chevy badges at NASCAR's top level.

Car and Driver, not recently known for either humor or relevance but benefiting from a revival under new EiC Eddie Alterman, reported President Obama had ordered Chevy and Dodge out of NASCAR as part of an April Fool's Day prank. NASCAR didn't get the joke, with many teams, fans, executives and assorted rednecks believing the news.

That shock has apparently awoken the above parties to the real possibility of losing the support of two brands most closely associated with going fast and turning left and instead relying on the support of newcomers like Toyota. While NASCAR claims it'd survive both financially and emotionally, we get the feeling that they're pouring a little cheap beer out for their homies at the not-so-Big Three. Humor's always best when it causes the target to get all introspective, thus proving they never really got the joke. [via NASCAR]

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