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Who else doesn't follow sports?


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I try to recycle what I hear in akward social moments, lots of head nods.


haha that's me as well.... ! I don't even like watching autosports! If I must watch something it is basketball in real life.


I worry that I should encourage my sons to watch more sports than I though as they grow up as it does seem to be important when talking with most males...


As far as chicks that like watching sports- dunno about that one- in my experience (not much) those were mostly the ones that didn't get much attention from men otherwise...

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I only like college football, pro football, basketball, MMA, the Olympics, Xgames(snowboard and skateboard), competitive shooting, bowling with friends, darts at the bar, curling, trying to get more paper balls into my office wastebasket than the previous day ... (etc)
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I watch osu football but honestly I couldn't name three players right now.


I used to be that way, but I have missed the last 3 seasons, and just decided to quit kidding myself and stop even showing interest in the Buckeyes. I would rather be doing something myself

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I kinda stopped watching sports when I got tired of playing Jordan Vs Bird, Tecmo Superbowl, NBA JAM etc...


I remember being young and going to Browns games to see Kosar and Metcalf....


It all went south after the Indians went the World Series in the late 90s....all hope was lost. The Gund Arena was bought out and now called the Q, the Cleveland Crunch stopped giving out free shirts with those shirt-launcher-cannon things, and radio stations started going off the air.


/memory lane

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Holy shit I thought I was the only one. I watch racing, x-games, and the Olympics. Thats it. I get pissed off when people use "the game" as an excuse to not show up for things, or to leave things early. Absolutely retarded.
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Not sure what I wouldnt do without sports such as footbal, basketball etc. Not really into auto racing of any sort even though I have had fun a few NASCAR events with my father.


Being former military I kind of look at the teams of my home state (Ohio) as a representation of where I come from, and also the experience of going to games meeting new people that I wouldnt normally meet otherwise and doing things I wouldnt be able to do at the house are all part of being a fan to me.


Now things such as lockouts, contract money, and how expensive the food is are things I could care less about.

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My nephew's football team name was Colts. My brother was an assistant coach or some shit and gave me a Colts hat and I wore it because it fit my weird head. Every fucking place I went HEY MAN YOU WATCH THE GAME LAST NIGHT? PEYTON LOOKED GREAT! WUDDYA THINK BOUT THAT LAST PLAY PRETTY WILD AMIRITE?


A couple times I made the mistake of agreeing with them.. nodding like an idiot, "yeah man that was cool" ..instantly picturing myself digging at the floor of a hole I was already trying to climb out of, because that opened the floodgates for them to now think I'm their football buddy for the next couple minutes. Misery.

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It's pretty much only hockey for me. I play it, go to games, and watch on TV. I just can't stand how slow other sports events are to watch on TV. I used to watch a lot of football, but it only frustrates me now. 3 plays, 2 minutes of commercials, 6 plays, 2 minutes of commercials. I had to watch the end of the OSU vs Syracuse game last night at a friend's house and the last 2 minutes took half an hour. At least with hockey it's a fast paced game and commercials are minimal. There is 20 minute intermissions, but that's plenty of time to watch a DVR'd sitcom or flip channels.
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Joe how could you HATE sports?! its a national pass time to bs about sports/teams/players but i do see your point. i hate hearing about someones 'good old days', when they use to play.


I follow hockey a lot but i play too, its like seeing seeing someone do something you do but so much rediculously better than you could ever do it. My brother use to play baseball so he's a big baseball fan (i only casually follow) so maybe it has something to do with being involved in said sport will mean how big of a fan you are? I was never good at basketball and thus pretty much hate everything about it save for march madness play.

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Guest CARkid

yeah man, I thought I was one of the only guys that doesn't watch sports. I think it's annoying when people start rattling off statistics - that is the thing I hate the most. really, you're going to fill your head with that nonesense rather than something that will actually be useful in life??? also hate all this fantasy sport crap, please get a life and quit spending half your day reading about sports, watching sports, looking at your brackets/teams/whatever.


I will watch some games on occasion though. for instance, I watched the END of a couple basketball games last night, but that is rare for me. and I grew up in Cincy and my dad is a big Bengals fan, so I'll go to a game on occasion. the worst sport in the world to watch = baseball. I would rather watch paint dry


PS- all athletes are WWWAAAYYYYYYY over paid - distribute the wealth

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not a whole lot...i enjoy watching college football, but not to the point where i know a whole bunch (ie, guys in the college football threads). i used to love watching some Indians baseball, but anymore, i might catch a couple dozen games a year, 1-2 live. UFC is always good, who doesnt like to see someone get the shit beat out of someone...and recently, i love watching some cycling. most of it can be boring, but since i got into riding, i enjoy it...plus, seeing how those guys make it up massive inclines, and some sprints, gives me some motivation when i ride.
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I used to be that way, but I have missed the last 3 seasons, and just decided to quit kidding myself and stop even showing interest in the Buckeyes. I would rather be doing something myself


Go to school. H8r.


You still owe me a keg for your college sports bet... :cool:


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I don't give no shits either. Only sport I really enjoy watching is Rugby, and even then I only really give a shit if my team is playing, or if one of the top 3 countries are playing. Talking about stats....who gives a shit. I do enjoy watching F1 too, and I can tolerate watching a few other sports for a bit, football however makes me want to stab someone...such a boring game to watch. Game lasts 4 hours, only 3 minutes of actual playing.
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