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the Trayvon Martin case


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Right, because they don't know who was screaming, but it was said


"After 28 years of doing this, I would put my reputation on the line and say this is not George Zimmerman screaming."
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Knowing that it wasn't Zimmerman is reasonable doubt of what? Most definitely his story yes.


Just more circumstantial evidence, but look how far it got with Casey Anthony.


Shitbag should be in Jail, but he won't. Now it is just going to be used as ammunition for the gun control movement.

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I love how this is basically being pushed under the rug. Mainly because people are slowly understanding that Zimmerman did nothing wrong. It's just a real shame that all these retarded celebs and big national news are getting away without paying penalty for jumping to a conclusion so quick and trying to make a race war out of it.
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I love how this is basically being pushed under the rug. Mainly because people are slowly understanding that Zimmerman did nothing wrong. It's just a real shame that all these retarded celebs and big national news are getting away without paying penalty for jumping to a conclusion so quick and trying to make a race war out of it.


As soon as this was made to be a race war i knew it was all BS.

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This is a bit off topic but did you know the jesse jackson travels around with his own film crew?

The national cameras arent always following him he films then submits it to the networks




Didn't know I'm but not surprised. Him and the other self appointed activist freak will do whatever they need to in order to get their 15 seconds of fame as they continue to rape the wallets of those they say they serve. Drama lamas IMO.

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I hope Zimmerman sues NBC for millions for defamation of character or <fill in the blank> punitive damages. I don't care what, as long as they are found guilty and have to pay a shit ton. Someone has to send a SERIOUS message. I think that's the first "hate crime" I'd back prosecuting as a "hate crime."
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I hope Zimmerman sues NBC for millions for defamation of character or <fill in the blank> punitive damages. I don't care what, as long as they are found guilty and have to pay a shit ton. Someone has to send a SERIOUS message. I think that's the first "hate crime" I'd back prosecuting as a "hate crime."


NBC did a pretty good job tainting the jury pool with this little stunt.

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Probably his own site begging for $$ to build a defense. My guess is we are close to charges either being filed or his being cleared.


Either way I hope it's over soon. A large part of my wants everyone to be wrong and look so fucking dumb, but another part just wants the facts/justice to prevail.

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