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the Trayvon Martin case


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All that matters is who made the initial PHYSICAL contact, zimmerman had the RIGHT to follow him. Did he need to? No. Can he legally? Yes. Now, can he legally touch the kid first and claim self defense? No. But that's not what the evidence is pointing to. All the evidence is pointing in the direction that the kid did that. I'm sorry he died, but the kid could have kept walking away. Instead it looks like he wanted to teach ol boy a lesson. Fatal mistake.


Im just saying in our current fucked up stereotyped society, she looks out of place in those clothes. I know it shouldnt seem that way, but it does. It's almost like by dressing up the parents, they are seeking sympathy. I find this whole case very interesting. Unfortunately all it has done was make 90% of the population look rediculous (including myself) by choosing a conclusion based on NOTHING. But as the case progresses and more evidence comes available, my initial suspicions are being reinforced.


You bastard, you were suppose to disagree with me so I could say Im assuming just like everyone else. No fun


The way I see it.... There's enough doubt of innocence for a case, but not enough evidence for a conviction. He could have grabbed the kids arm as he was trying to walk away. Maybe tried some new kungfu grip he learned on youtube and got his ass beat for his trouble. The kid could have saw Z following him and confronted him with violence, who knows. If he gets convicted his life is messed up, if he doesnt his life is messed up. Either way this guy taught a lot of wanna be vigilantes a lesson on keeping their distance.

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The news is starting to show Zimmerman in photos where he appears a lot "darker" and Martin more "sinister" looking.


"whoops evidence pointing wrong direction better change our opinion on everything"


Fuck the media.

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  • 4 weeks later...

sheds some light on the injuries Zimmerman suffered in the beating.

"A medical report compiled by the family physician of accused Trayvon Martin murderer George Zimmerman and obtained exclusively by ABC News found that Zimmerman was diagnosed with a "closed fracture" of his nose, a pair of black eyes, two lacerations to the back of his head and a minor back injury the day after he fatally shot Martin during an alleged altercation."


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Wonder why didn't the media use the photo... lol


All i thought of when i saw that was "make em say uhhhhhhh....na na na naaaaa"

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if your bored, here is 183 pages of evidence to go through.

kinda weird but i didnt see a toxicology report on martin in there. if you see it let me know, i kinda just skimmed through it.



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if your bored, here is 183 pages of evidence to go through.

kinda weird but i didnt see a toxicology report on martin in there. if you see it let me know, i kinda just skimmed through it.




A little over 3/4 of the way down that pdf is what appears to be Martin's toxicology report.

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Zimmerman just needs to not act a fucking fool and he'll be declared innocent, I imagine. Of course, he'll have to get an entire new identity as the social repercussion is going to be absurd after his trial.

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:yuno: St. Peter likely didn't approve. Hope that attitude worked out for him.

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So if im reading that correctly he had THC present in his body?


Yes. What I've heard is yes, THC as in he was likely high or at least had recently smoked weed. No surprise there. Again, he was far from the innocent "child" they try and paint him to have been. I think that's all becoming pretty clear now.

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from the link above...


Toxicology tests found elements of the drug in the teenager's chest blood -- 1.5 nanograms per milliliter of one type (THC), as well as 7.3 nanograms of another type (THC-COOH) -- according to the medical examiner's report. There also was a presumed positive test of cannabinoids in Martin's urine, according to the medical examiner's report. It was not immediately clear how significant these amounts were.

No precise levels on the urine were released.

Dr. Michael Policastro, a toxicologist, cautioned against reading too much into the blood THC levels, adding that one cannot make a direct correlation between those findings and a level of intoxication.

He also noted levels of THC, which can linger in a person's system for days, can spike after death in certain areas of the body because of redistribution.

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i believe he was 17 at the time of the shooting. yes it, a gangsta tat



I'm not sure what happens in Florida.. but I were a parent down there I wouldn't allow my 17 year old son to get a gangster tat.

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I'm not sure he is coming from the best parenting background. His record certainly isn't the best, but I don't think he was a horrible kid. A lot of kids smoke pot. All this to say his parents share a lot of blame on not helping to guide him in being a productive man in society. Instead (based on pictures) his father seemed to dress the part of a gangsta dad with hoes. His parents are also separated (a few hours apart) and the dad has a GF.
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"This was avoidable if George Zimmerman had not gotten out of his car and profiled and pursued"


in the end though, this is the issue. its plain to see trayvon was not perfect kid prolly far from it. pursuing someone isn't standing your ground. if zimmerman was in danger it was because he put himself there. he should have shot himself with that logic.

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