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So here's me bitching again


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You know whats wrong with the world?


People just can't be happy for one another.


I turn a lot more flat rate hours at work, my car is faster then yours, my wife spoils me, I have lots to be gratefull for, ect, ect. but haters are gonna hate trying to bring you down cause their life sucks. Sorry for you, but I'm starting to really like getting hated on, it's like unlocking a new level in life. However with the pussification of society hating has become a past time for losers with nothing to be proud of. This just compounds the problem of low self esteem and people finding solitude behind a computer.


Can't we all be nicer?


/me sounding like a liberal


The real answer is NO! and fuck you all, I've got it made bitches. :fuckyeah:

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kim kardashian...




She's still a retarded attention whore trying suck the money from society's collective dick. No thanks. In the morning without her makeup she's a beat lot-lizard that's above average looking but no trophy if she wasn't rich and famous. Don't forget that if she wasn't rich she'd just be big-assed Jenny from the block.


That said, would smash for bragging rights maybe. Would also tell her to hit the fucking bricks if she's as dumb as she seems on tv.

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