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I think I am a hypochondriac


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I'm thinking its all in your head


but of course, if you really want to see a doctor call around. A lot of them would be more than happy to work with you if you are handing them cash money instead of a piece of plastic that doesn't have a bank logo on it. Find one that will charge what you can afford to pay.

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I have money for the Dr. I just hate spending money on one only to feel like I got ripped off after walking out with no more info than I came in with. This is how all my Dr.s visits throughout my life have gone.



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I have money for the Dr. I just hate spending money on one only to feel like I got ripped off after walking out with no more info than I came in with. This is how all my Dr.s visits throughout my life have gone.


How you feel about buying a $6 pack everytime? Replace doctor with cigs.

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Well you can see the dr and find out that it's nothing and not have to worry anymore, or find out its something (maybe strep) and get a Rx for a cheaper than dirt antibiotic, or find out its Ca and then get it taken care of and live to see the kids graduate. Or option b and not do a thing and just hope it's nothing.


Sorry if it sounds cold. Also for most ENTs you will need a physicians referral to get an appointment anytime soon.


It's not a bad idea to have a family dr. Office visits are usually not that expensive depending on how many issues you are coming in for. The initial visit to get established is more expensive but normal sick visits are cheap. Also some drs will code down if they know the pt is paying cash (not susposed to but some will).

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I have the worst time finding a Dr. I dont see one often enough to still be considered an "active" patient, and the ones I did call arent taking new self paying customers. I called (32) Dr.s a few weeks back looking for one that took workers comp none of which did despite being listed on Bwc's website(foot related not health).
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Yeah your not gonna find a decent PCP that takes BWC. You should have a PCP (your family dr) one that you can see for illness, disease management, physicals, etc. and a BWC dr for just that. Some offices are different but as long as it hasn't been 3+ yrs since your last visit your still considered "active" and not a new pt.
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Lump in throat that wont go away. Very mild headache, pain in various parts of the neck stemming up the side of neck to ear. Neck/throat area is tender to touch. It doesnt hurt, not really hard to swallow. Could be stress but then again I am a smoker.


heres my professional opinion

Lump = adams apple. Its normal, unless you were born a woman

Headache/pain in neck is a direct result of having kids.

Tender throat is from yelling at said source of headaches


Ive got a lump in my throat, no kids, everything feels fine and normal



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