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Best company/person to use for bug/ant problems?


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I've been having an ant issue for the last two years and am now done with trying to take care of it myself. I've tried everything. A couple weeks ago, I used the home defense on the perimeter of the house and even inside, yet the piss ants remain. If anyone can recommend a company/person to take care of this, let me know.
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There is some stuff you sprinkle around the house it looks like corn meal, but it is poison they won't be back as long as you use it in the spring and in the fall.


Buy a couple of the green oneshttp://www.pet-dog-cat-supply-store.com/shop/shop_image/product/4362a276fb14f57b6c37626d7d7b7707.jpg


and spread around the house and in they yard near their holes, but I use it by the house now that I have been using it for awhile. I can be bought at Home Depot or Lowes around 15 buck per. I need 2 or 3 when I spread it around my house, but this works well.

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we have the same issue right now. Fuckers just won't die with anything we've tried thus far. Maybe I should try some of that poison posted above.


Whatever you do, don't smell your fingers if you smash one. those little fuckers smell awful when killed

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  • 3 months later...
Digging this thread back up. Someone from Insight Pest Solutions just came to my door looking to treat our house, which is approximately 2700 S.F. He stated that it would cost me $109.00 a quarter. I'm going to try to call First Response Pest Management tomorrow to get a quote and Ohio Exterminating for the same thing. If anyone else has any suggestions for a Pest Company, please do so. Thanks.
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We have had a problem with field ants this spring. They look like carpenter ants only smaller. I can watch them go across the driveway from one planting bed to another but they blend into the mulch from there. I've also seen them on our deck from the wysteria across the deck to a tree. They realy don't appear to be damaging or doing anything other than being there and driving us nuts.


So this year I tried some Terro Any killing powder. Goes on just like Talcum powder and is even water resisant. sticks and doesn't wash away but will float and spread if wet. I put it in long lines so that the ants would have to walk across it. I can actually see the little faint white trails of powder from hundreds of them.


It's been one week and now today, we have ZERO ants anywhere. They seem to have carried the powder back to the nest or something and now again, we're ant free.


Cliffs: Two $6 cans of Terro Any Powder and one week time = ZERO Ants.

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I used the Terro stuff that comes in a bottle; they swarmed to it. I replenished it when they ate it (immediately) and there has been no problem since.


great stuff for sweet and grease eating ants. not sure what the problem is for others here but the powder works great outside for any ant that will track through it and carry it back home.

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