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Miracle on Rich St...REARENDED!!!


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I'm coming back from a lunch appt...at the corner of Rich and Marconi Blvd downtown. Light turns green. POW!!! I get REARENDED in the Passat. My head hits the headrest. Even the person on my cell phone heard it (though, of course, I wasn't driving in City of Columbus with a cell phone to my ear)!


I get out, and it's a '00s Mercury Sable. Cute-ish 20-something girl gets out, is freaking. She has 4 other friends in her car, they all have OS faces on. I'm good, she's shaking and babbling about how sorry she was. I'm staring at my bumper like David Caruso. I couldn't find a SINGLE F*%KING SCRATCH. I have a layer of dust and pollen on the entire rearend from driving all over the place this weekend...I go from one side of the car to the other, bottom of the bumper up to the trunk lid. NOTHING.


She asks me if I want her info. I shook her hand, told her to be careful and have a great weekend. WHO NEEDS MOAR DRAMA IN THEIR LIFE, AMIRITE?


+1 to Kevin Clifford for a Mercury-proof tough paint jerb on my bumper! :thumbup:

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Kudos to you Clay :thumbup:


I've been in similar situations on both sides of that, I was not happy but the world needs less sue happy idiots and more of guys like you. I understand if it had fucked up your bumper you'd have wanted it fixed, but that was an awesome way to deal with it.

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Funny thing was that right after I shook her hand, our light was still green and there were 2 CPD cars and one sheriff cruiser waiting on Marconi for their light to turn. I noticed they were all in a line, looking at the two of us pulled over.


I went...




...got in my Passat, light turns red, and I drive through the intersection anyway in front of them. Cops continue eastbound towards the Courthouse.



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  zeitgeist57 said:
Funny thing was that right after I shook her hand, the light was still green and there were 2 CPD and one sheriff cruisers waiting on Marconi. I noticed they were all in a line, looking at the two of us pulled over.


I went...




...got in my Passat, light turns red, and I drive through the intersection anyway in front of them. Cops continue eastbound towards the Courthouse.





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I got front-ended by a lady in a DQ drive thru one time. Her kids were being brats so she decided to leave and just backed right up into me not having seen that I was back there in my old, tiny Corolla. Front bumper was already busted from something else (if I was a douche probably could have gotten that fixed out of this). Told her it was already messed up so don't worry about it and backed out so she could leave.
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  zeitgeist57 said:
I get out, and it's a '00s Mercury Sable. Cute-ish 20-something girl gets out, is freaking. She has 4 other friends in her car, they all have OS faces on.


I'll let the others here explain why you failed today. :gabe:


Let's just say I have usually have a camera with me and this video would have ended up differently :p


Kevin Kurgis is still there if you need him come Saturday when your neck hurts.

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  ForeverMaker said:
You people are too nice. If you get hit there is damage, even if you can't see it.


This. I've been hit in a Civic and there was no visible damage - but the car had major damage under the trunk area. Enough to total loss the car. Rear bumper cover looked almost perfect too. Hopefully you don't have any 'real' damage... :)

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  pdqgp said:
I'll let the others here explain why you failed today. :gabe:


Let's just say I have usually have a camera with me and this video would have ended up differently :p


Kevin Kurgis is still there if you need him come Saturday when your neck hurts.

I'm sure it want something like, "I'll forget this ever happened if you and your 4 friends show me your boobs."

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  pdqgp said:
I'll let the others here explain why you failed today. :gabe:


Let's just say I have usually have a camera with me and this video would have ended up differently :p


Kevin Kurgis is still there if you need him come Saturday when your neck hurts.


Thats lame Tim. Granted I would've asked for a video to be made too, but Kevin Kurgis would only have been called for my sore dick.

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