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The "Im still talking about D. Wiggs 4 years later" thread


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All I got is this guy is the new Cavin. Half the site is filled with people that mess up and do dumb stuff.. but messing up with a lambo makes that stuff worth almost 50 pages of saying money cant make you not be dumb.
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I had to laugh at the Jamie part; out of the two most 'relevant' exotic forums on the interwebs, he's banned from one and a joke on the other.


I find it amusing how threatened you feel anytime I'm mentioned. I'm an active member on 6speedonline, SF, and occasionally post on YB and LP. Don't believe I've been banned unless it's happened recently?


Anyone on LP has seen you make a full of yourself over there....and that forum is about as 'auto-lite' as they come....


As for who is the 'joke' around here, I'll be looking for you to publicly call me out at the next TX Mile, TX2K, TSI, or any highway this year. Hell, I'd even keep my poorly engineered SL around a bit longer just for you. :)

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I find it amusing how threatened you feel anytime I'm mentioned. I'm an active member on 6speedonline, SF, and occasionally post on YB and LP. Don't believe I've been banned unless it's happened recently?


Anyone on LP has seen you make a full of yourself over there....and that forum is about as 'auto-lite' as they come....


As for who is the 'joke' around here, I'll be looking for you to publicly call me out at the next TX Mile, TX2K, TSI, or any highway this year. Hell, I'd even keep my poorly engineered SL around a bit longer just for you. :)


I got a $5 side bet that he will not be at any of the above mentioned events within the next year.


I will put another $10 down that he will not come within a car lenght of you at any of these events in "the stig" if it runs.


It is one thing to try and stir the pot, call the general popuation dumb, or act like you have these big plans, but you can't fool everyone. I hope you can get this shop off the ground but the amount of money it will take to catch up to the current players in the high end car game is insane.


Shops like UGR, Titan, Vengance, and LMR are years ahead and keep pushing the limits of what is possible. If you think money, a fancy shop, and talk is going to put you in the mix with these guys right away, please pass the pipe you are smoking.


Only time will tell if this pissing match will lead to anything more...

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One thing that I always liked about titan is that they don't get too involved in web tit for tat contest. The shop trophy wall does the talking:


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All I got is this guy is the new Cavin. Half the site is filled with people that mess up and do dumb stuff.. but messing up with a lambo makes that stuff worth almost 50 pages of saying money cant make you not be dumb.


Cavin was never this bad. Further, he was literally still a KID when he was acting like one. This is an adult acting like an adolescent with down syndrome. Not comparable.



As for who is the 'joke' around here, I'll be looking for you to publicly call me out at the next TX Mile, TX2K, TSI, or any highway this year. Hell, I'd even keep my poorly engineered SL around a bit longer just for you. :)





I'd gladly bet D Wiggs $100 he will not make ANY on these events in his jack stand warrior. Anyone like to add to this pot to give him some motivation to actually show up?

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I find it amusing how threatened you feel anytime I'm mentioned. I'm an active member on 6speedonline, SF, and occasionally post on YB and LP. Don't believe I've been banned unless it's happened recently?


Anyone on LP has seen you make a full of yourself over there....and that forum is about as 'auto-lite' as they come....


As for who is the 'joke' around here, I'll be looking for you to publicly call me out at the next TX Mile, TX2K, TSI, or any highway this year. Hell, I'd even keep my poorly engineered SL around a bit longer just for you. :)


Yes, threatened by a guy who has a car gear limited to 225. And, the best part, you had the same company build your tranny in the same 'spectacular' way the grenaded one sitting at S47 did very quietly having its tranny replaced! Lol

Edited by D.Wiggs
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Yes, threatened by a guy who has a car gear limited to 225. And, the best part, you had the same company build your tranny in the same 'spectacular' way the grenaded one sitting at S47 did very quietly having its tranny replaced! Lol


Isn't your Lambo currently limited to the blazing speed of 0?

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Yes, threatened by a guy who has a car gear limited to 225. And, the best part, you had the same company build your tranny in the same 'spectacular' way the grenaded one sitting at S47 did very quietly having its tranny replaced! Lol


If you really think you want to run side by side over 225, I'm of course game. Takes 3 hours to swap my rear-end. Or let's just run back to back at the TX mile.


As for trans, UGR has experimented with 3 different companies and materials over the past 24 months and the new version has tested way beyond the previous versions. It's no secret these upgraded trans have had issues. You'll find out soon enough. Good luck with Liberty. :)

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I dont care if it is a honda civic build, a big v8 muscle car, or an exotic build.... benchracing and talking shit about how much better your car is, when it isnt even close to being completed, let alone proven itself in anyway shape or form, is absolutely retarded.


- finish building car

- demonstrate car works

- then talk shit


In that order, otherwise, you're just another ricer flapping his jaw.

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