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Obama makes free speech a felony


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Found this.... Didnt watch video.


It's important to note — contrary to some reports — that H.R. 347 doesn't create any new crimes, or directly apply to the Occupy protests. The bill slightly rewrites a short trespass law, originally passed in 1971 and amended a couple of times since, that covers areas subject to heightened Secret Service security measures.


These restricted areas include locations where individuals under Secret Service protection are temporarily located, and certain large special events like a presidential inauguration. They can also include large public events like the Super Bowl and the presidential nominating conventions (troublingly, the Department of Homeland Security has significant discretion in designating what qualifies as one of these special events).


The original statute, unchanged by H.R. 347,made certain conduct with respect to these restricted areas a crime, including simple trespass, actions in or near the restricted area that would "disrupt the orderly conduct of Government," and blocking the entrance or exit to the restricted area.


H.R. 347 did make one noteworthy change, which may make it easier for the Secret Service to overuse or misuse the statute to arrest lawful protesters.

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remind me to post anything news wise with fox news attached for now on. it sure gets the idiots to scurry like roaches with the light on. one news agency is no different then another. there is no true news agency. they are all paid for by one side or the other.
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remind me to post anything news wise with fox news attached for now on. it sure gets the idiots to scurry like roaches with the light on. one news agency is no different then another. there is no true news agency. they are all paid for by one side or the other.


sure, but i'd rather listen to MSNBC with views that i prefer over fox "news" with shit i dont want to hear.

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I can find non-fox stories if that is preferred like... http://www.huffingtonpost.com/mobileweb/jeanine-molloff/trespass-bill_b_1328205.html


Or should I just let everyone put on their big boy pants and hunt for themselves?


Fox news, msnbc, npr, wtf does it matter? Yeah they all put their twist on things, but the fundamentals of the story remain the same...or do they not?

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sure, but i'd rather listen to MSNBC with views that i prefer over fox "news" with shit i dont want to hear.


Oh sweet Jesus, Olberman was completely un-biased and non-opinionated too.




Either way the bread is sliced, the Constitutional Rights of this country will continue to be interpreted in a form the government sees fit. Sickens me.

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