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Anyone do 5k's ?


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So i was going to sign up for the Cap City 5k, have been "training" for it and everything (i use that term loosely i've really just been running more than usual) but of course its sold out.


Anyone else run 5k's? Or know of any that are coming up soon?


I would run the 10k but that was sold out also, dont think i could swing the half-marathon. 13miles is a bit long for someone who hasnt been training for it.

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i used to a few years ago. The Komen is a good race, but its packed full of people. I have done the flyin feather 4 miler on thanks giving day, I did one in Powell for boy scouts i believe and i have done 1 in delaware right before the all horse parade.


http://www.active.com/ this is a good place to find upcoming races.

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I've also done the race for the cure over the last few years. Sadly I can't run it this year since I had ACL surgery a 11 days ago. I will be there cheering for anyone running or walking. It is extremely packed, expect to run/walk the first half due to morons walking with the running group.


I've only done a few other races, they don't really interest me too much. They can be nice for setting goals though. Just get some running in befor and you should be fine. No need to "train" too much for a 5k.

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Have you thought about doing the Warrior dash or the Hell run?






Look at me, I'm so hardcore I can run through mud and stuff, I'm totally not a cream puff like the rest of society. This activity sets me apart, I'm definitely a unique snowflake.:dumb:


He asked about a simple race, not some fad race or workout. You might as well have suggested him to go do cross-fit.

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Look at me, I'm so hardcore I can run through mud and stuff, I'm totally not a cream puff like the rest of society. This activity sets me apart, I'm definitely a unique snowflake.:dumb:


He asked about a simple race, not some fad race or workout. You might as well have suggested him to go do cross-fit.


I didn't suggest anything. I mearly asked him if he had thought about those kinds of runs. I have no idea what kind of running he's into.

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I just did the tough mudder and am doing the cap city half this weekend.


I'm not much of a runner though. i'd rather do 5k's


warrior dash is pretty fun, dials back on the difficulty compared to the mudder.

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I'm signed up for the Komen race for the cure (Please don't sue me !) and the warrior dash. My first ever 5k runs.


And while I won't support the Susan G Komen foundation, it was free for me to sign up.

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Fuck that shit. I ran cross country in high school and once I graduated I saw no reason to ever run that far again lol. Admittedly I was a sprinter, but I still walk the race for the cure with my girlfriends family...I suppose it would be a cool experience to run it.
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Guest Hal
I haven't, but I want to do triathlons once I get in better shape, and the run portion is usually a 5k. If you can swim and bike, you could always go that route instead of a traditional 5k.
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Have you thought about doing the Warrior dash or the Hell run?






I had a buddy do the warrior dash a few weeks ago but i wasnt able to attend. I might sometime in the future just to try something different.


I found this site of local races http://www.premierraces.com/ there's like 20 just in this month alone so i'll probably do a few of those.


ran a second best time of 26:59 today too, not too bad for a fat, cramping, hockey player.

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Look at me, I'm so hardcore I can run through mud and stuff, I'm totally not a cream puff like the rest of society. This activity sets me apart, I'm definitely a unique snowflake.:dumb:


He asked about a simple race, not some fad race or workout. You might as well have suggested him to go do cross-fit.



Angry much???

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I just did the tough mudder and am doing the cap city half this weekend.


I'm not much of a runner though. i'd rather do 5k's


warrior dash is pretty fun, dials back on the difficulty compared to the mudder.



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I haven't, but I want to do triathlons once I get in better shape, and the run portion is usually a 5k. If you can swim and bike, you could always go that route instead of a traditional 5k.


I did a canoe, run, bike tri last year (4 mi, 5 mi, 17mi). I've always been interested in a 'real' tri, but had never taken the time to get my swimming endurance up to be able to do one. As soon as I can get into a pool, I'm getting in one. Then when I can get on the bike, I will do that. Then when I can run, I will add that in. All building up to a sprint distance tri later in the year. Hopefully in late summer early fall but that really depends on how my recovery goes.

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