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Cars and Coffee - 5/12/12


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I'm out; got an exciting event at TRC. I'll see you guys at the next one.


Wat's dat?


Was just talking to Clifton this afternoon and he mentioned needing to be there this weekend too.


Do you work at TRC... are you the one he was saying just started?


On the C&C note, I don't think I have anything going on, or better to do so I will probably be there! :)

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I don't work for TRC; I wish though.


The event is organized and hosted by TRC for OSU MEAS. I'm not an official member of OSU MEAS but I'm an OSU mechanical engineering alumni. This TRC event, in a nutshell, lets the guests to drive or ride the test vehicles.

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Let's see if I could recall correctly from last year event.


There was the skid car (TL on outriggers), maneuver test car (RSX I think), braking test car (TSX or RSX, can't remember), road course car (TSX), and one or two others.


I want to drive the road course in my own.

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If you dont mind cars that have rubber all over them, you can count me in.

THese are the cars that give me a chubby, not these little parking lot princesses..


also your car might have some rubber on the wheel wells but the rest of your cars a dam perfect 10. You really should be proud of that car man, it looks as good as it runs. keep it up buddy.





Also count me out now, finally after 9 weeks the jet ski shop has my ski finished, so im going to be picking it up tomorrow and putting them in the water finally WOOOOO

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