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More minority babies than whites in US


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We don't need our own white history month, hell we've got our own isle at the grocery store. A whole isle just for crackers what more could you ask for. Also how do you have more of a "MINORITY" wouldnt that make them a majority and us a minority.
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Because this couldn't be stated any more clearly:


.....the don't start a Thread based on Race.






What the hell is the point of even making the thread if you don't want it to get racial?

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Was wondering how long it would take for this to make it here. You should see the cluster fuck of a thread over on bb.com misc.

warning you will rage and some jimmies will be rustled.




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More minority babies being born does not necessarily make those minorities into a majority. Jesus, the concept is not that difficult, people.


It's not surprising that this is happening. Although someone will read this in a racist way, that's not its intent. We are headed toward idiocracy at an ever increasing rate. Regardless of race, the people who should be having babies, aren't.

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Regardless of race, the people who should be having babies, aren't and the ones who shouldn't are having way too many


fixed and I personally don't care if it offends anyone. The bottom line is I'm saddened (for the kids) and a little angry (because it costs the rest of us) every time we hear some type of news story that involves as family living below the poverty line with 3-5 and even more kids. If you're too poor to support yourselves, the for God's sake don't have any kids.

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fixed and I personally don't care if it offends anyone. The bottom line is I'm saddened (for the kids) and a little angry (because it costs the rest of us) every time we hear some type of news story that involves as family living below the poverty line with 3-5 and even more kids. If you're too poor to support yourselves, the for God's sake don't have any kids.


But we're too dumb to stop.....


Ah sheeeeet, eventually we're all brown.

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More minority babies being born does not necessarily make those minorities into a majority. Jesus, the concept is not that difficult, people.


It's not surprising that this is happening. Although someone will read this in a racist way, that's not its intent. We are headed toward idiocracy at an ever increasing rate. Regardless of race, the people who should be having babies, aren't.


Then you should be friends with this guy :)



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Well, Shouldn't take a surgeon to realize if you combine the births of several races and compare that to a single race, the ratio is going to be greater. http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v640/CLovaR1/Faces/keenanmustache.png



don't turn this into a racial fucked up thread.



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