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Day-Z, cause Zombies are in the news.


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Day-Z is a Zombie mod for Arma 2, and I've been having a blast with it. It's basically a multiplayer survival horror game, except if you die that's it, you have to start all over again from the basic loadout. Whatever loot you had is being worn by whomever killed your sorry ass. Yup, besides the hundreds of zombies trying to kill you, any other player has incentive to kill you for your stuff, because loot is scarce, and therefore valuable. Sometimes people form little bandit gangs and you might be fighting half a dozen trolls, wanting to loot you for your 4 makarov magazines, some water or food(all of which you need to survive), or just to be assholes. Your visibility and sound level all play into whether you are spotted by a zombie or not, and yes, when you shoot one, the others in the area notice, and head that way.





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This is pretty fun. Just don't try to think about it having any purpose or you'll ruin it. The mod has a lot of promise but it needs a lot of polishing.


I got marked as a bandit after "testing" out my CZ550 rifle on two guys creeping up on me when I was at the top of a lighthouse (which really didn't work out well for them). Among them they had two ALICE packs, a compass, map, flashlight, wire kit, hunting knife, a .45 revolver and other goodies. I subsequently lost all of that loot in the next game I played after a patch that bugged out the bandaging system causing me to bleed out.


Oh and once you're wearing your spiffy bandit costume you're pretty much on your own unless you organize a bandit raiding party to play with. Supposedly they're going to get rid of that mechanic though.

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Yeah, I could do without the whole bandits having a different skin, but oh well. Also for me the point is simply surviving and finding loot, so I don't have to think about much else. It's crazy just how fast and out of nowhere you can end up in trouble. I was walking through a field last night, minding my noise level, watching the area for zombies, and as I run around past a busted truck a damn crawling zombie scared the shit out of me. Shoot him dead, and the next thing I know there are 20 of them. Had to run like a bitch to a farmhouse where I could funnel them through the doorway. Plus I was losing blood so my hands were shaking and I could barely get the shots off.
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I had something similar happen. I ran out of ammo before I had dropped them all so I decided to run into the town that I had been skimming along the outskirts of, trying to scavenge. It didn't work out so well as I kept picking up more zombies. I ran into a multi-story building hoping to juke them around the staircases to buy some time. It worked. On the third or fourth floor I found a body that had 2 magazines on it. I was about to try to make an escape when a zombie came into the doorway to the room. The headshot alerted all of the others and they started pouring in. I shot until both magazines were empty before those bastards tore into me.
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I had something similar happen. I ran out of ammo before I had dropped them all so I decided to run into the town that I had been skimming along the outskirts of, trying to scavenge. It didn't work out so well as I kept picking up more zombies. I ran into a multi-story building hoping to juke them around the staircases to buy some time. It worked. On the third or fourth floor I found a body that had 2 magazines on it. I was about to try to make an escape when a zombie came into the doorway to the room. The headshot alerted all of the others and they started pouring in. I shot until both magazines were empty before those bastards tore into me.


That's why I love games with permadeath. Makes those moments feel more weighted.

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steam mod, standalone?


There is a steam compatible mod, must have Arma 2 and Arma 2: Operation Arrowhead. I've read that Arma 2: Free and Arma 2: Operation Arrowhead will allow you to run DayZ, though I'm not totally sure if that works.

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There is a steam compatible mod, must have Arma 2 and Arma 2: Operation Arrowhead. I've read that Arma 2: Free and Arma 2: Operation Arrowhead will allow you to run DayZ, though I'm not totally sure if that works.


I can confirm it does.

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Really need to team up with people on this to survive.

Played a few times, just trying to get supplies attracts 20 zombies and you are screwed 5 minutes in.


Sometimes I spawn, what seems 5 miles away from anything interesting. I'll be running down the road and get eaten in the first 30 seconds by a pack of flesh eaters.


Getting in a team is seemingly the best way to stay alive.

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