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Don't take life for granted


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Just wanted to post this here.


Sitting here at work and my best senior developer, his cube is just outside my office, stands up and is really agitated confused and worried, and says he can't read half the words. Then as he's talking to Dan one of our tech's he says half Dan's face disappeared.


We did a quick stroke test and rushed him off to urgent care (couldn't talk him into ambulance, he's counting every penny, things are tight for him).


We're here waiting on news. But symptoms like that I can't imagine it not being serious.


34yrs young. Skinny.



Powerful reminder - DO NOT TAKE LIFE FOR GRANTED.

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Kind of a silver lining to this sort of stuff, in my line of work i see death and even worse, debilitation, every single day. This up front and personal view of lifes' fragility allows me to often take stock of where I am in life compared to where I want to be.


at 20 years old your life is 1/4 over, AT BEST!

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Yeah, strokes don't just hit us large folk. So many things can cause them. Friend's mom died last year after a massive stroke caused by a piece of fungal "vegetation" breaking off from her heart and going to her brain. She had a heart transplant just a few months earlier so her immune system was weak due to anti-rejection meds, got a common fungal infection that started in her eye and like a week later... dead.
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Any word on the dood's condition?


I was joking with a softball buddy last night over beers...it used to be you could tell a kid in school "If your hand is bigger than your face you have cancer", then proceed to hit the gullible idiot in the face with his own hand and both of you would laugh about it.


Diseases aren't so funny as you get older! :)

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I'm here to tell you make everyday count. I lost my husband in less than 12 hours with no warning. He was 34 and died from septic shock and other complications.


Not to derail, but what caused the poisoning?

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If he's your best senior developer, you should pay him more so that he's not afraid to take the ambulance during a life emergency due to costs.
He could be making a ton of money, but could be over spending...
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Had the same thing happen to my Admin Assistance Husband about 3 weeks ago. Very sad. He's only in his 30's and a very well built and healthy guy too.


FYI May is stroke awareness month but in reality, every month should be. If you were glasses or when you see your eye doctor, make sure you mention a concern for strokes as it is always a good part of a comprehensive eye exam.


All the best to your coworker.

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My uncle was just diagnosed with Pancreatic cancer yesterday, he's almost 60 but the youngest sibling and should have another 20-30 years ahead of him, he likely won't be here at the end of the year, you just never know when your time could be up.
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Hopefully it's just a migraine. My aura symptoms look a lot like a stroke. Slurred speech, visual distortion, numbness.


Fingers crossed. Migraines suck but no big deal compared to the alternative.

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(couldn't talk him into ambulance, he's counting every penny, things are tight for him).



I hope everything is ok.


But am I the only one that found this deeply disturbing. Look, I'm extremely tight. Over analyze every penny I spend. But this is just ridiculous. What good is money if you aren't alive to use it.

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Not to derail, but what caused the poisoning?

He had a spinal cord stimulator implant put in back in December and had been complaining of increased pain ever since but none of the 3 doctors he saw for this took him serious. One of them actually called him a liar and told him to get over and it and go back to work.

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