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Where is the man card?


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Last year there was this little boy probably around 10 or so that lives 5 houses up from us. My wife caught him pissing in the neighbors front yard. Wide open. Great parenting.


Several years go this kid that used to hang out with my son walked by the house and actually pulled down his pants and mooned my wife. Awesome.


Two houses to the left of us they have 4 children. When they play in the back yard they are constantly screaming at the top of their lungs. Just a screeching sound. No parents around. (probably inside making more babies) They range from probably 4-8 years old. Pretty annoying when you want to open your windows up on a day like today and enjoy the day or just do anything outside but you hear screeching sounds out of your windows.


It's amazing how parents treat/handle their kids these days. Lack of respect for adults is incredibly crappy these days. I taught my old son (18 now) to be kind an courteous to the elders and always have respect for them. If anyone has met him would know this. I didn't beat the shit out of his ass when he was younger. He did get suspended in like 1st or 2nd grade for standing on a toilet in school. I made him scrub the kitchen floor with a tooth brush when he was home. :)

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Since it hasnt been mentioned yet, i think the lack of common sense causes a majority of the issues these days. I deal with the general public on a daily basis for my job, and i dont think i have really left work without a headach in the last couple months. I mean the shit some of these people say/do is rediculous.


For instance, i had to deal with a customer the other day that had been on one of our pre pay pumps at the fuel center. The guy came up the window already pissed off that he went through the whole process on the screen, but we wouldnt turn the pump on for him. I told the guy sorry, but it was a pre pay pump and that there is a big white sign right above the main screen that states it is pre pay. The guys response, " that doesnt matter". Common sense says, obviously it does.



As for the kid discussion, consistancy plays a big roll when it comes to punishing. A good friend of mine has a 2 year old son, and as much as i hate to say it, he is the biggest brat i have ever seen. The problem is, my buddy has no problem punishing, and he is pretty good about it, but his wife wont do anything. He was on the complete oposite side of there house the other day cooking while she was just sitting on the couch with kid sitting 2 feet in front of her. When he did something wrong, she just yelled and my buddy to come take care of it.

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when it comes to punishing a child, both parents should be on the same page imo. if not, the child could learn how to manipulate the parents to get whatever he/she wants. I hate to see a child try to get what they want through manipulation/lying. as for how someone should raise a child, my only opinion is that kids are different and will react differently to things. all one can hope to do is try to instill good morals and hope the child picks up on them.


as for the story on page one about the things going on at the office, if you have to go to your boss to get someone to quit bouncing a ball, your just plain retarded. this is only furthered by the shit talkin e-mails (that just seems childish to me). I would prefer someone come to me with a problem instead of trying to throw me under the bus.

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You may offend someone, it's ok. Except when that someone is a woman, who files a sexual harassment lawsuit against the company. HR then fires you without due process and settles just to make the bad PR go away before it turns into a real shit storm. Then people wonder why men are being pussies and start threads like this.


This, I've had to sit through seminar after seminar for work. It is sickening how easy ones life can be turned upside down because a woman was having a bad day.:dumb:

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In reality discipline beyond a timeout isn't needed if you raise your kids right and lead by example. I'm not saying my kids are perfect, but if you think slapping a kid around is going to teach him respect and will get them to obey you, I'll stand strong the side that it won't. It will only exacerbate the behavior and add in some more difficult ones to control as they get older. Kids are looking to learn from their parents and will gladly offer respect to those that treat people respectfully.


I'll disagree and have to say that Hal is right, every kid is different. I was never "slapped" around, but my dad would beat my ass when I was a kid. Open palm, never a board or belt. I've grown up to be a very respectful person. I always had a fear of disappointing my parents. That's why I didn't get into illegal things like a lot of my ex-friends did.


I've adapted that to raising my son. I don't want him to feel as intense about disappointing me though. I want him to know that I'm proud of him, but he needs to make his own positive choices. He doesn't act out in public or at home. Very smart and respectful for being only 5 years old.

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Clay, funny you should respond in here. I've met you only a few times. Your posts here are always on par, and you are a helpful guy. I know you rock a suit and tie for work and are not in a manual labor environment, yet you came to mind when I was rationalizing modern day man card. It's a balance of things. Knowing how to work through issues of our current society. Being able to do things on your own and getting them done. I'm not trying to nut swing you, just saying you came to mind.


Thank you for the respect, Joe! :thumbup:


For everyone else, here are my main rules for life today:

1) You get out of it what you put into it - don't wait for someone else to make plans for you.

2) Always go with your gut - you need to do whats right for you...DON'T FAKE IT.

3) Face time is never wasted time - for you, Facebook addicts! Relationships involve eye contact and a handshake/hug. Really good relationships survive a few months without constant maintenance, and get picked up right where you left off with someone.

EXTRA: Nothing good happens after midnight - partying, hanging out at HD, etc... :)

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Another example of why people suck.



My neighbor across the street is from what I can tell a teacher, during the summer he sits in his driveway and makes African themed chess boards and the winters he is never seen. He has 4 kids and one of them is a 8ish year old boy named Malicai. Malicai has some issues with listening, he runs around the road and his yard but mostly in the road in front of cars looking at you funny when you try and pass.



Last year I have Sam and George Demeter come an do a driveway for me. After they finished they marked the area off with yellow "DO NOT CROSS" tape. The day after the driveway was done I went to leave with a friend to go to dyno Brians and upon walking out I see Malicai and his two sisters walking in front of my house, thought nothing of it and walked to my car on the side street in front of the kids. No more than a mili-second after I turned my back I hear two giant thuds from behind me, I turn to find Malicai had jumped the yellow tape and landed square in the corner of my new driveway. I lost it yelling at the kids to get the fuck off my driveway, well his Dad was outside making chess boards and heard and saw me loose it. He walks over and gets into it with me because I have no right to yell at his children regardless if his kid just ruined a $5000 driveway.


The only thing it damaged is some of the texturing and smoothing so after i cooled off I wasnt too worried about it but my major issue was the kid was dumb enough to jump over a giant yellow taped off area into someone elses yard. The father acted like it was just fine and there was no issue and that I was just some gun toting hill billy american ( i think he is muslim or some eastern religion) yelling at a defenseless child. I would of thought this guy would be man enough to yell and/or beat his child for such a thing, I know I would have been.

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Another example of why people suck.



My neighbor across the street is from what I can tell a teacher, during the summer he sits in his driveway and makes African themed chess boards and the winters he is never seen. He has 4 kids and one of them is a 8ish year old boy named Malicai. Malicai has some issues with listening, he runs around the road and his yard but mostly in the road in front of cars looking at you funny when you try and pass.



Last year I have Sam and George Demeter come an do a driveway for me. After they finished they marked the area off with yellow "DO NOT CROSS" tape. The day after the driveway was done I went to leave with a friend to go to dyno Brians and upon walking out I see Malicai and his two sisters walking in front of my house, thought nothing of it and walked to my car on the side street in front of the kids. No more than a mili-second after I turned my back I hear two giant thuds from behind me, I turn to find Malicai had jumped the yellow tape and landed square in the corner of my new driveway. I lost it yelling at the kids to get the fuck off my driveway, well his Dad was outside making chess boards and heard and saw me loose it. He walks over and gets into it with me because I have no right to yell at his children regardless if his kid just ruined a $5000 driveway.


The only thing it damaged is some of the texturing and smoothing so after i cooled off I wasnt too worried about it but my major issue was the kid was dumb enough to jump over a giant yellow taped off area into someone elses yard. The father acted like it was just fine and there was no issue and that I was just some gun toting hill billy american ( i think he is muslim or some eastern religion) yelling at a defenseless child. I would of thought this guy would be man enough to yell and/or beat his child for such a thing, I know I would have been.


Did you back down and accept what happen or did you tell him to fix your shit or else you'd put your size 13 ginger foot knee deep into his asshole for raising retarded ass children.


I'm not calling you out Mike because I consider you a friend. I'm just wondering how the situation got resolved.



Edit: If I was that father I would've apologized to you for my retarded children regardless for how much you yelled at them. Then pulled out the 3inch wide leather belt lol

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Did you back down and accept what happen or did you tell him to fix your shit or else you'd put your size 13 ginger foot knee deep into his asshole for raising retarded ass children.


I'm not calling you out Mike because I consider you a friend. I'm just wondering how the situation got resolved.



Edit: If I was that father I would've apologized to you for my retarded children regardless for how much you yelled at them. Then pulled out the 3inch wide leather belt lol


It ended with me telling him to get the fuck off my yard and to keep his shit head children the fuck away from me and my house.



Our current issue is his oldest sons drug dealer friends sitting outside for an hour by themselves throwing garbage in my yard, although his son did come over the other day and pick it up or at least some of it.

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Our current issue is his oldest sons drug dealer friends sitting outside for an hour by themselves throwing garbage in my yard, although his son did come over the other day and pick it up or at least some of it.


Sounds like you could make a probable-cause call to the local K-9 unit :masturboy:

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6 months ago. I was told on this website that I was asking for trouble wanting to talk people if they were parked in front of my house. I humored the responses from CR cause it is CR. But this thread has alot to do with my answers back then.


Not brave not crazy. But if someone is parked in front of my house you can bet your ass I will know why they are parked there. When I grew up this what we did. You confront your problem or you offer assistance. Now everyone is scared or thinking they are gonna get shot. It is a sad world we live in. Wish it was different.

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6 months ago. I was told on this website that I was asking for trouble wanting to talk people if they were parked in front of my house. I humored the responses from CR cause it is CR. But this thread has alot to do with my answers back then.


Not brave not crazy. But if someone is parked in front of my house you can bet your ass I will know why they are parked there. When I grew up this what we did. You confront your problem or you offer assistance. Now everyone is scared or thinking they are gonna get shot. It is a sad world we live in. Wish it was different.


The thing is, people have no decided to freak out whenever someone questions their motivations. It's not that people are afraid to say "why are you parked here," it's that history would show that there are far too many instances of BS to risk it. Humans are an incredibly risk averse species.

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The thing is, people have no decided to freak out whenever someone questions their motivations. It's not that people are afraid to say "why are you parked here," it's that history would show that there are far too many instances of BS to risk it. Humans are an incredibly risk averse species.


I just thrive off confrontation. Hell almost like a make living off it.

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