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85 rx7 roller and 306 * $900 for all but the motor


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Absolutely not.

In all serieousness you had the option to buy it over the weekend for 850 that in its self was pure insult to me and now even less I'd give it to Scott for 200 before selling it to you for a dime less than than agreed apon last week.


I payed you 4k for this car with a broke rear end( btw you still owe me a c note for the tow bill). Was told every thing worked yada yada bs. Patterson and I spent the first month working all the shit out of it

And another 1k later got it on the road. And you want it back for $500. ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME



In second thought I'll sell you something for 500

You wanna scoop out the toilet your self or would you like it in a zip lock

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El oh El.


Last time I checked $500 > *


I'm not the one needing to sell the car either, I offered and I respect you for declining, but not a single fuck was given.

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You know what's better than not having 500 dollars from you sending it scrap for $400 and telling you how big of a peice of shit you are.


In fact I would find it more joy full to sign the title over to any one for $0 then revive $500 from you


Ps- if I knew that derik was asking for you I would have told him to fuck off in the first place


Pss- your a peice of shit Btw quit being a bitch and give me my c note

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Anyone wanna make a quick $500? Quick, have him sign the title over to you and I'll give ya $500 in exchange for it. Trolololololol


Hey wanna be a man and pay me the hundo from over a year ago

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