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Prayers this fathers day


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I am not religious and I am not the kind of person to seek out prayers. With that being said there is a family, wife and 3 children, that we have known since our kids started grade school together that today are without their father. Life had become to tough for him and he decided to end it. Having dealt with this same demon myself for my entire adult life I have compassion for what he was going through and what his family now has to deal with. I have dealt with suicide in my own family and have known several people throughout the years who have chosen this route. I keep picturing this mans kids waiting to hand their homemade cards to their dad this fathers day or the gifts they may have bought for him. I cant imagine what life will be like for these kids now that will need to find a way to deal with it and hopefully somehow come to terms and make peace with it. So if any of you out there believe in the power of prayers please say one for these kids that they find a way through this and for their mother to find the strength to be there for them as well. Thanks
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Life became so tough that he ended it? Fuck him, the kids and wife will be better off without him.


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I hope the mom and kids find a guy down the road with a positive attitude and good father figure that they deserve rather then some less of a man person who crumples under pressure and takes the easy way out while screwing over his whole family who he's supposed to care for and love.

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I hope the mom and kids find a guy down the road with a positive attitude and good father figure that they deserve rather then some less of a man person who crumples under pressure and takes the easy way out while screwing over his whole family who he's supposed to care for and love.


Oh really, had a change of heart?


Way I looked at it was a girl with a kid is damaged goods in my eyes. There's plenty of women out there without kids.

No need to settle for a woman who had some guy jizz in her and have a kid pop out that's not yours. Fuck that. Now if you just want to get you hump on then have at it. single moms will put out alot just to try and keep men with them.

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"Hey, I don't believe in prayers, they are said in vain because there is no god, but maybe the rest of you could pray to a non existant god, because praying to a god that doesn't exist is going to make this family's life easier."
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Oh really, had a change of heart?


Oh I'd never get with a women who already has kids but these are very diferent circumstances then some women who is just divorced or had kids with random guys. I hope a guy comes along who doesn't mind a women with kids and treats them the way they should be treated.



So in conclusion I hope the family finds a good guy (that doesn't mind a woman who had kids already). I'm only nice about this because this is an example of where the wife n kids got screwed over hard. Nobody should have to go through what they are going through now. Husband desertion at its finest.

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It's like a disease that grips you and doesn't want to let go. I don't think anyone can say what they would do or how they would act without having to go through it. My cousin did the same thing a few years back, highly decorated soldier. It can happen to some strong, great people. I get the feelings towards the guy for abandoning his family but it's not as cut and dry as a choice. As far as not being religious, I believe that it is a personal relationship one has with/if there is a god. If the time comes that I am faced with judgement by my maker and I am judged for anything other than how I lived my life, I will accept my fate. I daily do what I feel is right. I make mistakes but I don't feel that praising in word alone should determine if I burn or bask in the glory for eternity. If I burn because I failed to acknowledge yet a son of a bitch is allowed peace simply because he asks for forgiveness then so be it. I feel for the family but I dont necessarily blame the man the same as I wouldnt blame a person who developed cancer.
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It's like a disease that grips you and doesn't want to let go. I don't think anyone can say what they would do or how they would act without having to go through it. My cousin did the same thing a few years back, highly decorated soldier. It can happen to some strong, great people. I get the feelings towards the guy for abandoning his family but it's not as cut and dry as a choice.



^^ this. I watch my brother go from soldier to family life and then through a 12yr battle with cancer where I literally sat with him as he talked about ending it and with which gun. Can't say I blamed him either. In the end, it's cancer that took him but making blanket statements about suicide don't work. Lots of people on this board have used phrases like Not a Fuck was Given or Who Gives a Fuck. Should the same be said about them? My guess is the guy Jason cared about actually gave a lot fucks about his life but felt he was in a situation that just gave him no other options. Perhaps in the end that's not the case but when someone is in that position and feels so strongly as to go to the extreme, they are often not the only one with a role in getting him there.


Given what I've watch so many of my relatives go through in terms of battle sickness and eventually having them die as a result, I have sometimes wondered what I would do if stricken with the same fate. One part of me says it makes sense to go out when I choose rather than suffer and battle through a few days or months longer for the sake of others to watch you go through it all. Perhaps a different situation than Jason's friend, but I'm sure his situation wasn't something any of us would likely want to go through.

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Wow, sad to hear. My prayers go out to the family. It is easy for people to be insensitive to the situation and judge someone because they had problems but it is completely unfair for the wife or kids to have to go through something like this.


Being a father of 2 I often feel guilty that I dont spend enough time with my kids. Both of them beamed with pride this morning as they brought in their homemade cards to give me this morning and both were excited that they had my attention for the entire day. I would be devastated if something ever happened to one of them and I know they would be devastated if something ever happened to me.


Suicide is an ugly thing but you never know what someone is going through until you walk a mile in their shoes....My grandfather committed suicide when I was about 5 years old. To this day, my father has spoken to me about it one time and has made it very clear that was the only time he would ever discuss it. The pain, hurt, and emotions that the memories bring out are tough for him to deal with and thats not even mentioning how it has affected my extended family. From what I know about my grandfather, he had broken his back and was on pain medication that at the time was not very well regulated. He became hooked on it and if he was on it today, he would have been taking roughly 8x's the dosage that he should be at the time of his death. He wasnt in his right mind and the way he saw things every one was against him. He took the easy way out which was also the most selfish....


Now I dont know the guy the op is posting about and yeah the wife and children may be better off without him but not like this....Wnaplay, your concern and compassion is what the family needs and they will need alot of it. Kudos to you for your concern and for posting about it. I pray that you and your family will continue to be a blessing for these people in their time of need!

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I am not asking for anyone to pray that the guy finds peace I am asking that if you believe that prayers help please do so for his wife and kids. If there was a strong enough belief that punching a tree might in some way help someone especially a child in need I would ask as well despite not necessarily punching a tree myself. It's just not my belief. I believe there are things out there beyond my experience but that doesn't mean I wouldn't pass along what little bit I know. Perhaps there's someone reading this that is having a hard time right now and just needs perspective, maybe that's my role in all of this. At the end of the day I hope I can say I did what I felt was right. That's it. The guy was a hero of sorts working in a career that literally saves lives. He made a mistake but I won't judge him on that one act alone.
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It's like a disease that grips you and doesn't want to let go. I don't think anyone can say what they would do or how they would act without having to go through it. My cousin did the same thing a few years back, highly decorated soldier. It can happen to some strong, great people. I get the feelings towards the guy for abandoning his family but it's not as cut and dry as a choice. As far as not being religious, I believe that it is a personal relationship one has with/if there is a god. If the time comes that I am faced with judgement by my maker and I am judged for anything other than how I lived my life, I will accept my fate. I daily do what I feel is right. I make mistakes but I don't feel that praising in word alone should determine if I burn or bask in the glory for eternity. If I burn because I failed to acknowledge yet a son of a bitch is allowed peace simply because he asks for forgiveness then so be it. I feel for the family but I dont necessarily blame the man the same as I wouldnt blame a person who developed cancer.


very well said man


I will say a prayer for his family!

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Point out the trolling and i'll send you a cheryl's cookie.


Way to assume it was even about you. I honestly didn't even read your reply.


Those cookies are beyond over rated. Never did, and never will, understand how people eat those dry, dough-tasting monstrosities.

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Way to assume it was even about you. I honestly didn't even read your reply.


Those cookies are beyond over rated. Never did, and never will, understand how people eat those dry, dough-tasting monstrosities.


I figured you were talking about me since ppl refer to me as a troll and I was posting in this thread.


And I mentioned those cookies bc they taste like shit and are overpriced.

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