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WTF are these mutant, alien bugs in my garden?


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I killed 12 of them this weekend. Widdled a lot of my tomato plants down to nothing. They are huge. Not there one evening, following morning, tons of these huge turds.










They look like they should be bursting out of peoples' chests.

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The one you show is the Tobacco Hornworm. The rear horn is one of the distigushing signs to tell the difference between the Tobacco Hornworm and the Tomato Hornworm (I always thought they were just regional names for the same creature.)


The Tobacco Hornworm rear horn is red (and becomes the Carolina Sphinx Moth. The Tomato Hornworms rear horn is green and black and is the larva of the Five-Spotted Hawk Moth. They both feed on the same plants; tobacco, tomato, potato, and related crops. Both larva are often victims of parasitic wasps mentioned above.


We used to catch them as kids and have fun with magnifying glasses on them. Haven't seen too many on our plants but when I do, I drop them in the bird batch and let the robins and cardinals have a go at them.

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Fishing bait?



Killed 12 over the weekend. One of my dogs ate one of them and the rest I just squashed. They make a "pop" noise and muntant green goo shoots out of them.


These things seem to appear out of nowhere.

Edited by RC K9
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Bearded dragons really like these things. If you can find a whole bunch of them you can resell them to reptile breeders and make a killing lol.


They do explode when beardies eat them tho.


Crap, if I had known I would have stuck them in a jar or something. I have found at least 12.

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They turn into hummingbird moths. They look exactly like hummingbirds and fly the same as well.

I suggest you cage them them, watch em grow and appreciate them for what they are.

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They turn into hummingbird moths. They look exactly like hummingbirds and fly the same as well.

I suggest you cage them them, watch em grow and appreciate them for what they are.


Then when they hatch rip their wings off and troll them hard

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