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CR, please keep eyes open for possible murderer of my friend


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Is the guy they are looking for?


Sorry, I did not realize that the article did not show his picture... For those that did not want to take the time to read the link let me sum it up real quick for you.


She went on vacation for July 4th with an ex boyfriend and father of her youngest child. He had been known to be physical with her previously and the vacation was for reconciliation. He returned to Ashland without Lynn, but with the kids, dropped his son off at his brothers and said that her daughter was in a hotel and he would go get her. He also told his brother that he had strangled Lynn and that he needed to leave. The daughter was retrieved and he has not been seen since. They know that after he left he had withdrawn some money from an ATM.



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came here to post this.




hope that fucking murderer isn't dead yet, he needs to rot on death row to get what he deserves.

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they have more rights than anybody. sad this isn't as harsh as it's meant to be


You know, I'm surprised that the U.S. hasn't caught on to a novel idea I've had. In this country we love doing 2 things in business; privatizing and outsourcing. Lets do both with prisoners. Why should we pay high rates to keep our life-sentence prisoners living in comfort without giving back to society in any way? Lets privatize and outsource.


I bet for half of what we pay any domestic incarceration firm we could house our prisoners for life in Siberia and pay the Russian government to keep things in order. I saw Lockup or one of those shows about a Siberian prison for life-sentence offenders. Despite the harsh conditions, prison officials claim that they have 0 annual complaints about prisoner treatment :gabe:


Even that is too good for a fuckstick like this though.

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You know, I'm surprised that the U.S. hasn't caught on to a novel idea I've had. In this country we love doing 2 things in business; privatizing and outsourcing. Lets do both with prisoners. Why should we pay high rates to keep our life-sentence prisoners living in comfort without giving back to society in any way? Lets privatize and outsource.


I bet for half of what we pay any domestic incarceration firm we could house our prisoners for life in Siberia and pay the Russian government to keep things in order. I saw Lockup or one of those shows about a Siberian prison for life-sentence offenders. Despite the harsh conditions, prison officials claim that they have 0 annual complaints about prisoner treatment :gabe:


Even that is too good for a fuckstick like this though.

I wish Ohio tax payers knew the half of what they are paying for. The sad thing is, it is only getting worse

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I also wish that Ashland Police Dept handled this a little better. I know that they cannot jump to conclusions, but in a scenario like this where the boyfriend admits to murder, Lynn is no where to be found, and neither is he, they should have had a warrant out for him immediately, not "A person of interest"! Its not like they would be in trouble for putting a warrant out for him and then later find out shes alright, they would just release him.
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You know, I'm surprised that the U.S. hasn't caught on to a novel idea I've had. In this country we love doing 2 things in business; privatizing and outsourcing. Lets do both with prisoners. Why should we pay high rates to keep our life-sentence prisoners living in comfort without giving back to society in any way? Lets privatize and outsource.


I bet for half of what we pay any domestic incarceration firm we could house our prisoners for life in Siberia and pay the Russian government to keep things in order. I saw Lockup or one of those shows about a Siberian prison for life-sentence offenders. Despite the harsh conditions, prison officials claim that they have 0 annual complaints about prisoner treatment :gabe:


Even that is too good for a fuckstick like this though.


Fantastic idea. Perhaps you can start a grassroots campaign to repeal the Eighth Amendment so that taxpayers can save some money. In fact, a lot of those things in the Bill of Rights are getting expensive, maybe we could dump 'em all. :dumb:

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