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12 to 14 dead at dark knight showing


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Hate to say it but dude was wearing a vest, helmet/gasmask, and had a rifle, even armed I'm taking my family, my peashooter, and running. Maybe try to get a shot off if clear, but that sounds like a losing situation.
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Hate to say it but dude was wearing a vest, helmet/gasmask, and had a rifle, even armed I'm taking my family, my peashooter and running. Maybe try to get a shot off if clear, but that sounds like a losing situation.


all that then how the fuck did he even get in the theater? tell me no one saw a damn thing? not like that equipment is easily hidden in his drawers. will be interested in hearing more about this.

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Witnesses said they saw a man exit the emergency door before the premiere then the gunman walked back through the emergency exit so they do not know if it was an accomplice or the shooter and he just propped the door open while he walked to his car parked behind the theatre to get his weapons
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that was really intersting


If I were king it would be the way I would execute all criminals in a very green effort that would also align with the whole ashes to ashes believers too. Cost effective, environmentally friendly, humane (quick) and somewhat aligned with religious beliefs. Fun to watch in a sadistic way too.

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Have a question for people that have there Carrying permit

I don't that's why I'm asking say I'm at that movie theater and the guy walks in and I'm carrying I shot a couple rounds and kill they guy Will I get in trouble or is that self defense

Just curious?

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Have a question for people that have there Carrying permit

I don't that's why I'm asking say I'm at that movie theater and the guy walks in and I'm carrying I shot a couple rounds and kill they guy Will I get in trouble or is that self defense

Just curious?


don't know....give the USA you'll get charges filed for carrying a weapon in a place of business that likely has a sign stating you can't. not sure what charges that presents, but if you indeed killed the shooter, you'd likely be hero and the charges would be dropped.


worst case, I really don't care because I'd rather have my day in court than my day in church as in my funeral or that of my loved one.


that said, as brought up, would I man up and have shot this guy.....probably not, as I'd be getting my famly the hell out of there. However, if that was my 9 yr old that got shot, I'd likely go insane and could absolutely see myself unloading on the guy with some pretty strong focus and not a further fuck to be given.

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Last time I went to a new movie screening they were wanding people with a metal detector as they went in. They did very loose purse checks. Thank goodness they didn't let any law-abiding CCWs in or I could have died when the movie triggered a subliminal tea-party planted killing mechanism.


inb4 more illusions of security

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Metal detectors for the movie theater? LOL WUT?


Yep. Two young ladies were standing at the door to the theater and everyone was wanded before they were let in. Was earlier this spring at lennox if I remember correctly. I didn't see any metal detectors by the emergency exit.

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Yep. Two young ladies were standing at the door to the theater and everyone was wanded before they were let in. Was earlier this spring at lennox if I remember correctly. I didn't see any metal detectors by the emergency exit.



yep they are looking for cameras though since its a movie premier.

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I guess he was a Superman fan....


Yeah this is a crazy story. Sad for the people that were loss or hurt. Talked to many others that are CCW holders and they all agreed they doubt they could have done anything. He left off a smoke bomb/gas, in a dark theater, with mass amounts of people running. Just about anyone would have been lucky to get a good shot off with those conditions.

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Holmes was a Phd student in neuroscience at the University of Colorado at Denver, according to university spokesman Dan Meyers. He was in the process of withdrawing from the school, Meyers said, and attended class at the medical school campus.



Quote from that article.


Does anyone else think this guy was trying to Imitate Bane. Gas mask/vest/highly intelligent.

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ABC news reported that a James Holmes had recently joined the local teaparty website. They were unable to confirm if it was the same person though.


Why is that even relevant?


Have a question for people that have there Carrying permit

I don't that's why I'm asking say I'm at that movie theater and the guy walks in and I'm carrying I shot a couple rounds and kill they guy Will I get in trouble or is that self defense

Just curious?


That would be self defense. However, in this scenario, you'd probably be dead. The odds of you getting off a headshot while breathing in tear gas with screaming people running around and your adrenaline pumping, you'd probably be dead.

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Kill this motherfucker please. Just disgusts me.


Agreed. Unfortunately, he'll probably be tried for mental illness or something, and not get the punishment he deserves, especially considering some of the dead were children.

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Holmes was a Phd student in neuroscience at the University of Colorado at Denver, according to university spokesman Dan Meyers. He was in the process of withdrawing from the school, Meyers said, and attended class at the medical school campus.



Quote from that article.


Does anyone else think this guy was trying to Imitate Bane. Gas mask/vest/highly intelligent.


More than likely trying to imitate Bane, IMO

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