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12 to 14 dead at dark knight showing


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Once again, so the fuck what?


Because Tea Party.

It's an election year. Anything will be turned into a political issue.


From what I heard most people thought it was a stunt for the premier and didn't have much time to panic.

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Because Tea Party.

It's an election year. Anything will be turned into a political issue.


From what I heard most people thought it was a stunt for the premier and didn't have much time to panic.


Doesn't even have to be an election year for things to turn political. lol


It's disingenuous to try to use a tragedy for political gain. Idiots do. Idiots believe.

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Sorry to those of you who thought he was imitating Bane, apparently he told the police that he was the Joker.


Dude was a shitty Joker. Says he dyed his hair red... JOKER'S HAIR IS GREEN RETARD.


I hate to say it, but I couldn't help but think "Some men just want to watch the world burn" when I heard about this.

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but they had signs posted saying you cant bring firearms on to the property? how did this happen?




Witnesses said they saw a man exit the emergency door before the premiere then the gunman walked back through the emergency exit so they do not know if it was an accomplice or the shooter and he just propped the door open while he walked to his car parked behind the theatre to get his weapons
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Originally Posted by NinoBrown http://www.columbusracing.com/forums/images/buttons/viewpost.gif

Witnesses said they saw a man exit the emergency door before the premiere then the gunman walked back through the emergency exit so they do not know if it was an accomplice or the shooter and he just propped the door open while he walked to his car parked behind the theatre to get his weapons




hmmm ... not sure if serious.

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One news source said his name matched one on the local tea party website.


That would be ABC


The same news source that edited Zimmerman's 911 recording to make him sound racist


The same new source that edited Romney's speech at the NAACP to make him look uncaring


The same news source that later said "oh my bad, this guy has nothing to do with the Tea Party, we made it up"

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if the guy was trying to be "The Joker" he did a shitty job, the joker would have some extravagant way to do something like this.... this guy just came off as some stupid crazy asshole trying to be a genius/insane supervillan. he should die a slow death, kind of like the guy on law abiding citizen.
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Hate to say it but dude was wearing a vest, helmet/gasmask, and had a rifle, even armed I'm taking my family, my peashooter, and running. Maybe try to get a shot off if clear, but that sounds like a losing situation.


pretty much


All around a pretty bad situation. I heard on NPR last night that he had obtained his guns legally in the few months prior, which means something happened to him all of a sudden to go bonkers but still manage to fly under the radar of background checks from the government.


Sad but true, the system isn't always perfect but it's not worth banning guns over such rare events

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Background checks mostly require a legal proceeding to be able to throw a flag. Someone could be seeing a psychiatrist and be on a dozen different pills for depression, schizophrenia, psychosis, etc. and not trigger a flag on the check.
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Thought this was relevant, brother in law sent it to me





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interesting.....Is Aurora full of hippies? And anyway, it would make no difference I'm sure even if Aurora had gun laws same as the rest of the state


let's be honest though, what civilian would carry a gun to a movie theater that would be able to stand up the the guns the shooter had AND be able to counter all the armor the guy had?


exactly, none and the point's been made ITT by sol740


Hate to say it but dude was wearing a vest, helmet/gasmask, and had a rifle, even armed I'm taking my family, my peashooter, and running. Maybe try to get a shot off if clear, but that sounds like a losing situation.
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I would have to assume state laws supercede any local ordinance. Might have to research it. Though I believe I read that the business was a posted CPZ, which the theater has the right to decide.
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