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What to do to keep my visor from fogging up?


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So I've started a little project that requires my visor to stay as fog-free as possible, but alas, my new helmet really really likes to fog up, especially on cold days. Normally I'd just pop the visor open and let the air take care of it, but that's not an option for what I need to do, and the less air moving around in front of my face...the better, meaning I use my chin curtain and keep the front vent closed as well, which keeps things quiet but really makes fogging bad.

Are there any chemicals out there that'll help? I can buy an insert for my shield but they're really expensive, and it'd only work with one of my visors. I know my dad used to have stuff on our old boat that we'd use in our diving masks that helped, but I have no idea what it was called nor where to look for it.

Any ideas?

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Think it's called a breath box. I've got a removable one that came with the helmet but it doesn't help that much, and I can't use it at all with the project I'm doing. Chemicals or some sort of cling thingy is about all I can think of that would work, because I don't have any extra space in my helmet with what I'm doing :(

I looked around the Iron Pony site and saw nothing that might be what I need; I might call them tomorrow and see if they've got any ideas. Maybe check out a nautical equipment store...cuz I'm sure there's sooo many of those around Columbus :\

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I've tried anti-fog spray, wipes, etc. Nothing has kept my visors from fogging up yet! :nono: I have to crack my visor a lot. At big speeds, I have to hold my breath so it won't fog up when the helmet is smashed on my face. It fucking SUCKS! :mad:

Although during REALLY HOT days, it doesn't fog, because the helmet is as hot as my 98.6 degree air coming out of me.:cool:

Edited by NinjaNick
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You coule try the JT paintball mask anti fog.

I haven't tried it on my visor yet, but it works well on my paintball mask, and my glasses.

Or if you really want to get creative, make a fan that fits under your helmet.

Side note. Make sure to read the label, as to what you can spray it on. Wouldn't ant you ruining your visor.

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My shoei Fogs like hell. Sucks. My Icon helmet had anti fog shields you could buy that worked fairly well and were $10 more than regular shields. For the shoei there is a pinlock shield offered. It also works fairly well but also isn't great at night, causes glare.

I think the pinlock is offered for other helmets as well.

Here are a few links




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Pretty much all the info is already here, I am just summarizing.

1. You can get an antifog shield, it will work for two three seasons. After that start using the antifog sprays.

2. You can buy the pinlock shield (30 bucks) which holds the antifog lens insert, it is available in pony and I have that too. I have no problem with antifogging, it works real well but the thing I don't like is there is gap on the top of the shield which is still clear. If you ride in strong sun and suddenly look up through that gap, it will almost blind ya. I don't know whether I want that in a twisty back road on lean. But if you have both clear, your shield and antifog insert.....no issues.

3.The breathbox is your friend


Shoei breath guard

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Thanks for the info everyone. I think what I'll do is head to the Pony and check out that Cat Crap stuff first, because I was going to go there today anyway to buy some bike washing supplies. If that doesn't work, then I'll check out a diving store or something.

My issue with the Pinlock inserts is that A) they're pricey and B) I've got a clear and a dark smoke visor I switch out somewhat regularly and that both fog up fairly badly, but the dark smoke doesn't have the pinlock pins and thus I'd be dropping 25-35$ on something that I can only use half the time I ride :(

If I get this sorted out and working I'll post a little snippet of what I'm working on. It's nothing amazing, just something I've been wanting to with my riding for a while :)

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I have breath boxes on my Shoei RF 1000 and my Akuma. The Akuma clear shield is hard to fog up, and the tinted shield refuses to fog..ever. The Shoei fogs like an SOB with a tinted shield and it's my only complaint with it. The only thing that helps is a good cleaning of the visor before I put it on.And it only last for a ride or two before I have to clean it again. I've bought some of the anti fog stuff, but I'm very hesitant to put it on my plastic shield. I'll have to give the Cat Crap type stuff a work out one day.

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