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Opinion Thread; Why does the world hate us?


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Far too many Americans are obese from $1 double cheeseburgers while they are lucky to eat "foot bread" if you know what that is.


Too many of us would rather discuss a slut ass celebrity that did a line off a quarterbacks dick than help our children with homework.


We'd rather text someone in the same room as us than be respectful and look each other in the face while talking.


Another viewpoint from being there and working with ANA/ANP/Commandos myself. They are still a very primative group of people. There are only a handful of paths they can choose in life. Skilled trades, farmers, shop keeper. .... And if daddy was a farmer and you dont want to be a farmer, tough shit.


It even saddens me to say that other NATO forces hate us just as much. 3 months in RC North with Germany, Italy, France, And Canada. We look the same to them as well. I hope this next rotation goes ok, crewing a blackhawk with 11 ANA isn't helping me sleep at night.

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I agree with 99% of your posts I read. However on this subject I guess we will have to agree to diagree.


You have made several references to the rest of the worlds problems being:

Ignorance and lack of education

Belief of propaganda



and basically being surrounded by monsters.


I leave you with these thoughts:

-As of 2009 (latest data I could find) the US ranks 29th in reading, writing, and mathematic competency.

-Our presidents are elected by a college, not popular vote, and over half of the polical ad spending is done so by SPECIAL INTEREST.

-Measuring wealth in a net sense (assets-liabilities) the US is way down on the list. Measuring on an income basis we look good. We are a cash generating (and burning) machine

- We have the HIGHEST incarceration rate per capita of any country at .73% Almost one out of every 100 people is currently incarcerated.


Everyone has problems, and I believe we need to clean our own home before we bitch at the neighbors for their mess.


Exactly. The reason I don't believe popular vote means anything.


As far as greed goes... It's said to be one of the 7 deadly sins, also said to be the root of all evil. Seems to be what makes the world go round these days though. Prolly a good reason for those who hate us... Even the poorest of the poor in America have it better than most in third world countries.

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