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Cabin In The Woods


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Being somewhat of a horror fan I had heard about Joss Whedon's take on the horror genre long before I saw the film. Then when it finally hit theaters after a major delay, the positive reviews came pouring in. For some reason I never got out to see it. I finally watched it last night, and I must say I thoroughly enjoyed it. I'd give a proper review/synopsis if I didn't think this film is far better seeing on media/review blackout. The less you know going in, the better I assume it is. The only thing I'd want to include in this first post is that it's about five young people that head out to a cabin in the woods (omg spoilers) for some horror cliche fun. If that sounds terribly formulaic, that's the point.




Blood, gore, tits, ass. Two thumbs up.

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I fall into the crowd that thinks the film itself serves as an allegory for the entire horror genre creative process. The audience being the ancient gods that demand horror trope sacrifices in a particular fashion. The director overseeing the whole project. So on and so forth.

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