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Screw IPhone 5, I am getting one of these :)


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Blackberry 10 will be out in January 2013. My work only uses Blackberry smartphones so seeing this makes me happy!!





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Poke fun all you want, but I work for a huge non-government corporation, and verizon is our provider. I get unlimited everything for $15/month, and they provide me a blackberry bold. Only our sales guys are eligible for iphones. I'll probably be due for an upgrade soon, and I'd jump on whatever this new blackberry thing is in january.


Yep blackberry's are shitty, but $15 :). I'm betting a lot of the corporate dummies with blackberries are using similar math.

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Poke fun all you want, but I work for a huge non-government corporation, and verizon is our provider. I get unlimited everything for $15/month, and they provide me a blackberry bold. Only our sales guys are eligible for iphones. I'll probably be due for an upgrade soon, and I'd jump on whatever this new blackberry thing is in january.


Yep blackberry's are shitty, but $15 :). I'm betting a lot of the corporate dummies with blackberries are using similar math.


screw the blackbarry for 15$. im getting unlimited everything for free on a galaxay s3, all paid for by my agency, including the phone.

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I have a 9930 for work. Almost no developer support what so ever, which means no apps of any real use. The apps that are on there are half-assed clones of apps on other devices. Thanks to the nature of my job, I only need it when I'm at work.


There is a reason why their market share is falling every day. Honestly the only thing keeping them alive are people in corporate positions of power that are resistant to change. Hell, even my company is slowly going the iOS direction for everyone.

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lol, BB OS 10 will be released some time next year and as of right now is already at least a year out of date.


The only good thing about a BB is the capability of being tossed out of an airplane and when found it still powers up. I won't go as far as to say it still works, because they don't work before being abused. If I install more than 4 things from BB World on my corporate Bold then its so out of memory that its completely unusable.

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What people dont realize is a lot of employees in sensitive roles are not allowed to have cameras which made BB the best/only choice. Blackberry just needs the right people to make it trendy and the cellular lemmings will follow.


If you dont believe me look back to when android and IOS first started. People doubted them and said it would never take flight... actually, I think it was blackberry and windows mobile customers that said that :lolguy:

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Didn't look too hard at the web site linked above. Have they finally come up with a keyboard that doesn't require a magnifying glass and small tools to operate?


The keyboard looks pretty good. Obviously can't say for sure until you actually use the thing.


The OS doesn't look that bad. From what I can tell it seems to be heavily gesture based, so swiping up will take you back a level, swiping left or right will take you somewhere else, very layered. It will also have true multi-tasking, so apps will run in the background unpaused. It looks like a mix between Windows Phone and Android to me, so I should be able to use it and not feel trapped like I do in iOS.


Knowing BB, it will probably be a pile of manure.

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The only good thing about a BB is the capability of being tossed out of an airplane and when found it still powers up. I won't go as far as to say it still works, because they don't work before being abused. If I install more than 4 things from BB World on my corporate Bold then its so out of memory that its completely unusable.


A co-worker had his BB Bold ran over in a hotel parking lot after dropping it unknowingly. Screen was shattered and the case was crumbling, but it STILL MADE AND RECEIVED CALLS.


Since I have the same phone, I was able to guide him through button presses to make a call.... crazy.

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Because it's the most secure device a corporation can use, even the gov.


That isn't true anymore. Pushmail and other App's have made Android just as secure as BES/Blackberry stuff.


People just don't want to forklift expensive IT Infrastructure, they just bought 3 years ago

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We use BB because of the secured support for enterprise, etc


My office currently uses BB Curves, and when these are out, i'll be on the bandwagon. I personally have an iphone thru sprint, and my BB is thru verizion.


I love the iphone and the new ios6, but hate sprint. However, im on a $42/mo everything plan, and switching will easily double that.

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