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The early intel I have on the blackjack looks interesting. The bad: all tables are 8 deck, automatic shuffle machines, dealer hits soft 17. If you're an accurate counter, the good news is that penetration is about 75%, they allow mid-shoe entry, bet spread $25-1000, and it looks as though backcounting is being tolerated (at least for now). I've heard the dealers are pretty slow and are making mistakes, so stay alert.


Perhaps a CR group should plan a raid there in a month or two? I think a group barring would be epic. :fuckyeah:


Is Doc Kevin Spacey?



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  • 2 weeks later...

I played blackjack there today for about four hours. Most of the advance intel is correct. Penetration is easily over 80% and no one appears to care about backcounting. Mid-shoe entry is allowed.


The eye in the sky is definitely watching closely. My dealer mis-paid a push as a win for $50, and at the end of the shoe, a pit boss stepped up to the table and told the customer to give the money back. He did, with no argument. I have no way to know if they watch the play as closely as they watch the payouts, so who knows if they evaluate the play of the high rollers.


At one point, 3 suits (all male) snuggled-up close to me, within a foot, while I was playing on the back door spot. I told them that if they wanted to stand any closer to me, I'd have to have them meet my family. They laughed, stepped back, and were very friendly for the rest of their shift and pretty much left me alone. One, a thin, 40ish asian man named Bobby, continued to walk right into my space from time to time and pretended that he was doing my betting for me. I think he was just trying to be funny, but it was sorta strange to see in a brand new casino. I've played regularly in Vegas casinos on vacation and gotten to know pit bosses that well, but only after playing a few days.


A few supervisors and dealers are experienced and on loan from other locations, such as Hollywood Toledo. The local cashiers, security, hosts, dealers, cage staff -- all of them -- are very inexperienced and appear inadequately trained. I'd also say that they were all pretty friendly and laid-back, considering the pressure they're under. I had around 10 different dealers, and only one was competent and fast. Some couldn't keep count of the card totals and needed the players to help. Payouts on barberpole side bets were painfully slow. Fortunately, the floor supervisors could count chips in a glance. When I colored up, the dealer tried to give me $500 too much. The shift manager, John, and his assitant, Rick, came by twice to ask me how I was doing. When cashing-in chips at the cage, a cashier counted the money correctly but the supervisor "corrected" her and tried to overpay me.


The players were equally unprepared. I saw only two players the whole time who played basic strategy. Guys stood on stiff hands against dealer upcards of 7, 8, 9, 10 ! One guy doubled-down on a 7. I think I need to start having gaming seminars. :rolleyes:


Less than half of the blackjack tables were open and there were plenty of spots at each of those. All tables were $25 minimum except for one $50 on the main floor. The high roller area had a $100 minimum table. A pit boss said he expects to see the table minimums drop to $15 on the off hours as soon as November.


I wouldn't try to play with front money on deposit at the cage -- their IT is messed up and they can't print checks at the tables. Just play with cash.


I hope this is helpful to you blackjack fans.

Edited by Doc
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I played there today for about four hours. Most of the advance intel is correct. Penetration is easily over 80% and no one appears to care about backcounting. Mid-shoe entry is allowed.


The eye in the sky is definitely watching closely. My dealer mis-paid a push as a win for $50, and at the end of the shoe, a pit boss stepped up to the table and told the customer to give the money back. He did, with no argument. I have no way to know if they watch the play as closely as they watch the payouts, so who knows if they evaluate the play of the high rollers.


At one point, 3 suits (all male) snuggled-up close to me, within a foot, while I was playing on the back door spot. I told them that if they wanted to stand any closer to me, I'd have to have them meet my family. They laughed, stepped back, and were very friendly for the rest of their shift and pretty much left me alone. One, a thin, 40ish asian man named Bobby, continued to walk right into my space from time to time and pretended that he was doing my betting for me. I think he was just trying to be funny, but it was sorta strange to see in a brand new casino. I've played regularly in Vegas casinos on vacation and gotten to know pit bosses that well, but only after playing a few days.


A few supervisors and dealers are experienced and on loan from other locations, such as Hollywood Toledo. The local cashiers, security, hosts, dealers, cage staff -- all of them -- are very inexperienced and appear inadequately trained. I'd also say that they were all pretty friendly and laid-back, considering the pressure they're under. I had around 10 different dealers, and only one was competent and fast. Some couldn't keep count of the card totals and needed the players to help. Payouts on barberpole side bets were painfully slow. Fortunately, the floor supervisors could count chips in a glance. When I colored up, the dealer tried to give me $500 too much. The shift manager, John, and his assitant, Rick, came by twice to ask me how I was doing. When cashing-in chips at the cage, a cashier counted the money correctly but the supervisor "corrected" her and tried to overpay me.


Less than half of the blackjack tables were open and there were plenty of spots. All tables were $25 minimum, and only one was $50 on the main floor. The high roller area had a $100 minimum table. A pit boss said he expects to see the table minimums drop to $15 on the off hours as soon as November.


I wouldn't try to play with front money on deposit at the cage -- their IT is messed up and they can't print checks as the tables. Just play with cash.


I hope this is helpful to you blackjack fans.



You would think they would have the inexperience issue taken care of ahead of time. Too much inexpierience in all phases of the casino (pit, table, cage) could bleed a place like that dry. It would be a haven for scammers. Maybe if they started with 25% new, and 75% experienced, and phased that back over a year or so, they would be better off.


Or maybe they have accounted for, and accepted some loss up front as being inevitable. Paying the experienced staff from out of town I'm sure commands a pay premium.

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I know two people that work there. One is a highly experienced dealer, but he is only in the poker room.


The other person, I have no idea how he got a job dealing cards at a black jack table. He's dumber than a box of rocks.


It'll take some time for them to find out who is worth keeping, but with 55,000 applications you would think they would have gotten some more people worth keeping.

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30k millionaire = A person who dresses and acts like they have millions yet they only make 30k a year and typically when they are out trying to impress everyone, they are spending their whole weeks paycheck. Most of them live check to check.


taters gon tate.


But in all seriousness, Sam is right

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1. Live in shitty apartment. Rent is $500 per month. Have three roommates. Your rent is now like $150/month (with utilities, etc.).


2. Lease your BMW or Benz or Corvette. Or buy it on an 84-month loan. This will allow you to have low payments per month.


3. Spend remainder of income on clothes at the Rail at Nordstrom.


4. Buy table, bottles, and all drinks at club on credit card. Do not care about exceeding limits or paying it off each month. Maxed out card? Open another and repeat process.


5. Be sure to tip doormen at every club. Never wait in line. This is only cash you will need the whole night. (All other expenses go on your maxed out credit cards.)


6. Enjoy your $30k millionaire status.

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1. Live in shitty apartment. Rent is $500 per month. Have three roommates. Your rent is now like $150/month (with utilities, etc.).


2. Lease your BMW or Benz or Corvette. Or buy it on an 84-month loan. This will allow you to have low payments per month.


3. Spend remainder of income on clothes at the Rail at Nordstrom.


4. Buy table, bottles, and all drinks at club on credit card. Do not care about exceeding limits or paying it off each month. Maxed out card? Open another and repeat process.


5. Be sure to tip doormen at every club. Never wait in line. This is only cash you will need the whole night. (All other expenses go on your maxed out credit cards.)


6. Enjoy your $30k millionaire status.


I <3 U :lolguy:

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1. Live in shitty apartment. Rent is $500 per month. Have three roommates. Your rent is now like $150/month (with utilities, etc.).


2. Lease your BMW or Benz or Corvette. Or buy it on an 84-month loan. This will allow you to have low payments per month.


3. Spend remainder of income on clothes at the Rail at Nordstrom.


4. Buy table, bottles, and all drinks at club on credit card. Do not care about exceeding limits or paying it off each month. Maxed out card? Open another and repeat process.


5. Be sure to tip doormen at every club. Never wait in line. This is only cash you will need the whole night. (All other expenses go on your maxed out credit cards.)


6. Enjoy your $30k millionaire status.



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1. Live in shitty apartment. Rent is $500 per month. Have three roommates. Your rent is now like $150/month (with utilities, etc.).


2. Lease your BMW or Benz or Corvette. Or buy it on an 84-month loan. This will allow you to have low payments per month.


3. Spend remainder of income on clothes at the Rail at Nordstrom.


4. Buy table, bottles, and all drinks at club on credit card. Do not care about exceeding limits or paying it off each month. Maxed out card? Open another and repeat process.


5. Be sure to tip doormen at every club. Never wait in line. This is only cash you will need the whole night. (All other expenses go on your maxed out credit cards.)


6. Enjoy your $30k millionaire status.


Did you just describe 85% of CR?

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