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I'd say the "course correction" of the series is now pretty much complete. Some different "groups" out there but the final scene with Rick and Carl leaving the prison last night was straight out of the comic. The "don't look back" line was a little less poignant without Lori and the baby's decimated bodies behind them.


They showed a scene from the next episode when the series returns and it is also straight out of the comic. Finally seems like they're getting their shit together.

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I still think there is a payoff with the rat situation. On the Talking Dead with Scott Gimple he said there definitively would be an answer about who was doing that. My guess... It is the little girl and Carol lied as others have pointed out. I loved last nights episode. Loved it. Hated the way Herschel went down but it was a good episode.


I see Rick and Carl going off on their own for a while (good thing) like in the comics. I think Tyrese and the kids end up running across Carol eventually and that situation with the bodies/rats comes to a head.


I loved how they split everyone up. I don't think there will be five different groups for long (Daryl/annoying Greene Daughter, Rick/Carl, Glenn/Bus of people, Maggie/Bob group, Tyrese/kids). I think it'll end up being two/three groups that find each other eventually.


Great epidsode though. Worth the build up.




P.S. I don't think Judith is dead... well not yet.

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Judith should be dead but she may not be. Wasn't listed in the "in memoriam" section of the Talking Dead last night according to the internet. Someone could have been shot/bleeding and scooped her up as they ran. Hopefully she's just dead. Adds nothing but an unnecessary annoyance to the show.
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Those little girls with the guns were awesome. That one dumb hoe caught one to the dome. I has happy.


I am also mad that Hershel is dead. One of the few characters on that show I actually liked.


Pretty sweet scene, only wish it was the other lesbian chick that ate that bullet instead. Who wants to go all out for a crew of nothing but busted ladies. It would just be like modern times, thanks for the night but im probably not gonna call you or see you again.


On a serious note, Hershel being gone is a downer.

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Those little girls with the guns were awesome. That one dumb hoe caught one to the dome. I has happy.


I am also mad that Hershel is dead. One of the few characters on that show I actually liked.


if they stick to the comic storyline then you better get use to it


i just glad the gov is daed. no more killing seasons with him.


there's another guy in the comics that's 100x worse than the Gov.

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Good old psycho Negan! I'd love to see that play out but I'm thinking that would be in a different season. Maybe gets introduced end of this season.





Going off the comic issues we're still over 40 away from Negan. Doubt we'll see him on TV anytime soon. They took 3 1/2 seasons to get through about 50 issues.

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When season 4 returns that first episode should be a mix of issues 49/50. Carl leading the walkers was in issue 50. Judging from the other return preview that was shown the show is going to rely heavily on the comics for at least a while. And I couldn't be happier.
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What comic is the premier going to be. I've read up to 100 but I don't remember that Scene with Carl making the walker follow Him.


I believe it is issue 50 when Rick is in an antibiotic overdose in a house that he and Carl holed up in after the separation after the fall of the prison. They said on Talking Dead that one of the early episodes of the second half of season 4 was literally verbatim from the comics. My guess is that it is this one given the sneak peaks they gave of the first episode after this break. They showed Carl screaming trying to wake Rick up and also him leading walkers away from the house they were in. I believe that is directly from issue 50. Somewhere around there. I could be off though.




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  • 2 months later...
The look into Micchone's past was interesting, looks like she lost her baby?


Not gonna lie, I was half asleep when I watched the episode (its content finished the job) but from what I remember seeing/hearing and what I've read today on the internets it seems as if Michonne's "lover" and maybe her brother as well committed suicide/offed the baby because they didn't think they could survive anymore and wanted to take the easy way out but Michonne obviously disagreed and is still alive which was why she said something like "I'm still here... and you could be too."


I don't understand why they forced the Governor storyline back in with him convincing a new group of people in a matter of days it seemed to go with him on a death march to the prison to kill a bunch of people they didn't even know about if they aren't going to do a true course correction. There were still some throwbacks to the comic last night but there was a lot of unnecessary stretching out/elaboration too.

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